アメリカの先住民族の世界観を訴えてきたOren Lyonsさんという方がいます。彼はあるスピーチでこのようなことを言っていました。
April, 25th 2021 Sunday Service
" Know the Lord in all your paths "
Scripture reading taken from Proverbs 3:1-12
To never be separated from God's love
The book of Proverbs is classified as a genre of "wisdom literature" in the Bible. It is a collection of wisdom passed down from generation to generation in ancient Israel. How should we respond to the various problems and difficulties we encounter in our lives? How should we live in this world to be blessed by God? The wisdom of Proverbs tells us these things.
Wisdom is collected through various experiences. When you watch children grow up, you can clearly see them experiencing, learning, and trying different things. Not only in childhood, but as adults, we continue to gain wisdom through various experiences - sometimes from success, sometimes from failure.
The wisdom of Proverbs is not only the wisdom of one person's experience, but the wisdom found and passed on in a community. It was initially gained from someone's experience, but it has been passed on as a heritage of the community.
Proverbs chapter 3 is structured in the form of a parent's waring to a child. In ancient Israel, it was mainly the parents who were expected to pass on wisdom, thus this way of writing was chosen. However, the wisdom here is different from the traditional proverbs passed down among the people.
“My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life any years and bring you prosperity.” (Proverbs 3:1-2)
This wisdom is meant to give life and prosperity. And that is where God’s unchanging love is revealed.
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)
The words "love” and “faithfulness" refers to God's love for us human beings. God's love and faithfulness never changes. God always loves you and considers you to be the most important person in the world. On the other hand, we change easily, and it is easy for us to forget God's love and to leave God.
It is not that God is leaving us, but that we are leaving God. So, for us to not be separated from God's love and faithfulness, we are to write down God’s teachings and commandments on the tablet in our hearts. We are to inscribe God's teachings and commandments in our hearts, just as Moses did when he received from God the Ten Commandments, which were inscribed on a stone tablet. We are to engrave the wisdom that we have found in them. The Israelites discovered that by doing this, we can stay close to God's love.
Think about God’s desires/thoughts and trust in the Lord
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
These verses are not suggesting that we should not think for ourselves and leave everything to God. If we consider the meaning of the original Hebrew text before the translation, we can see that it is rather important to think sufficiently.
The Hebrew word for "heart" in the phrase "with all your heart" is "leb”, which emphasizes the rational side rather than the emotional or sensory side. Therefore, “with all your heart” means to us one’s head and to think hard.
At the same time, we are also told to “lean not on your own understanding”. Thus, we know that thinking does not mean making decisions based on our own experience and knowledge alone. Rather, it means to think sufficiently with the wisdom that has been passed down through the Bible and through the lives of the people who have trusted in the Lord. It is not like trying to get the right answer to a test question, but rather to keep thinking about what God's desires/thoughts are, even if it is something that we humans can never fully know.
It is important to keep doing such things. The path we take is not always a smooth one. Sometimes it is uphill, sometimes it is bumpy, sometimes it is a gentle slope, and sometimes it is a staggering cliff that makes it impossible to go forward. As we walk along any of these roads - whether life is going well or in times of adversity - we must keep thinking about God's desires/thoughts.
“…and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6)
The word “straight” means a level path without ups and downs. It does not mean that our lives will be free from adversity, but it does mean that we will be given peace during it. The people in the Bible, who trusted in the Lord, were sometimes afraid and troubled at the same time. However, those who turned their hearts to God's desires/thoughts were able to get up and start walking again without panicking.
This is what the Israelites learned from the experience of their ancestors-- that by continuing to think about God's desires/thoughts and trusting in the Lord, they would be given peace. In Psalm 22, the word "trust" is used four times in verses 4 and 5.
“In you our fathers put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed.” (Psalm 22:4-5)
God does not leave those who trust in God behind. No one has ever been humiliated or abandoned because they trusted in the Lord. By trusting in the Lord and continuing to think about God's desires/thoughts, they were given an unshakable peace amid rough waters and were able to take bold challenges.
Offerings that bring us back to trust in the Lord
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9-10)
The land of Canaan, where the Israelites were led by God, was a fertile land. In ancient societies, abundant harvests meant abundance itself. This abundance was a blessing from God, but the Israelites were overconfidence that the blessings had come from their own strength. This became a stumbling block for them.
In Deuteronomy, there are words of warning about living a life of abundance as follow.
“You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.” (Deuteronomy 8:17-18)
The offering of the firstfruits of the crop would have been an act of remembering that it was the Lord who gave it them. They were not expecting anything in return from God by their offerings. It was also a way for them to remember that the wealth they had earned through their sweat and toil was not earned by themselves alone, but that it was God’s blessings. Furthermore, it was a way to bring them back to trusting in the Lord.
Know the Lord in all your paths
However, humanity today seems to have abandoned this fact. Christian countries are no exception, and perhaps it is these countries that should be questioned if they have lost their trust in the Lord.
As I learn more about climate change and environmental destruction, my worldview has been radically overturned. I used to think that seeking convenience and comfort was a good thing, but now I know that it is causing serious environmental destruction.
For example, we can no longer live without plastic. There are probably countless plastic products in everyone's home. But the plastic is now floating in the world's oceans, killing all sorts of creatures. Not only that, but it is also returning to our bodies in the form of tiny microplastics. It is said that each of us ingests as many as 50,000 pieces of microplastics per year, and we are gradually learning about the health hazards caused by this.
Such a form of society is not based on trusting in the Lord, but it must have been brought on by the overconfidence of our “own understanding”. Humans that have created this kind of society seem to have stopped thinking about what exactly is the “wealth” that God has given us or how God desires us to live. It seems as by only thinking of immediate gain that all wisdom that has been passed down has been abandoned.
Oren Lyons, a Native American leader and environmental activist, mentioned something as follows in one of his speeches regarding the indigenous view of the world.
“In our way of life, whenever we make a decision, we always keep in mind the children of the next seven generations. It is our job to make sure that the people who are coming, the generations yet to be born, will not live in a worse world than we do, but will hopefully be born in a better one.”
God's blessings are not something that can be used up in a few generations, because God unchangingly loves the people in every generation. But in this world, we have lost the ability to care for the people and natural environment, both right in front of us.
The wisdom contained in the Bible teaches us who we really are. It shows us how we humans, who have caused so many difficulties, can change our direction and how we can live in such a way that shares God's blessings not only with ourselves, but also with everyone, even across generations.
Isn't this what we have lost in this modern society? Let us continue to keep our thoughts on the Lord, not out of selfishness. Let us abundantly reveal and share God’s blessings while dwelling in the peace given by God. For such purposes, let us continue to seek to know the Lord, no matter what paths we take.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama