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March, 28th 2021  Sunday Service

" Keep Watch "

Scripture reading taken from Mark 14:32-42



A deeply distressed, troubled, and overwhelmingly sorrowful Jesus


This week is Passion Week. In the Christian church, the week just before Easter is called "Passion Week". It is a time to focus on and reflect on the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. The cross has become a symbol of the Christian church and is even used as accessories, but during Passion Week we remember that Jesus was killed by crucifixion.


We already know that the resurrection comes after the death on the cross. However, the death on the cross is not something to be taken lightly. This can be seen in the way Jesus prayed in Gethsemane before his death on the cross.


After the Last Supper with his disciples, Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane. The reason why he came there was to pray to God. Prayer is a form of communication with God. Jesus wanted to face God, express his thoughts to God, and seek God's will.


Up to this point, Jesus often had times of prayer. Jesus would pray alone--away from the crowds and the disciples. But on this occasion, he was accompanied by his disciples. He said to them, “Sit here while I pray.” He brought Peter, James, and John even closer, saying, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch.” (Mark 14:34)


Jesus was “deeply distressed” of the suffering that was to come. Jesus had foretold his suffering to his disciples three times, but he was not calm as he faced it. When Jesus, the Son of God, was about to face the death on the cross, he was “deeply distressed” and “overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death”.


Jesus could not remain calm in the face of his death. Jesus, who was called the Son of God and believed to be the Saviour, lived as a human being. Before his death, Jesus was deeply distressed, troubled, and overwhelmingly in sorrow. Just as the God of the Bible is not an apathetic God, Jesus, the Son of God, also felt distressed, troubled, and anguished.



Forsaken by both people and by God


Jesus fell to the ground, a short distance away from the disciples, and “prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me.”” (Mark 14:35-36)


Jesus wanted to avoid the death on the cross at all costs. The “hour" refers to a certain time when the decisive event occurs. The "cup" refers to something that God offers to humans. In the context of Mark 14:35-36, both refer to the death on the cross that awaits. Jesus asked God to take the cup away from him so that he could escape the suffering of the cross.


The death on a cross is one of the most brutal methods of execution, so the physical suffering alone would be beyond imagination. However, the death on the cross took away more than just the physical life, but all things were taken away from Jesus on the cross.


After the prayer in Gethsemane, Jesus was arrested by those sent from the chief priests, who were brought there by Judas--one of the twelve disciples. The disciples abandoned Jesus and fled. Peter, one of the leading disciples, followed Jesus to the high priest where the trial took place. However, when asked if he was one of those who accompanied Jesus, Peter denied it three times. He even cursed and swore, "I don’t know this man you’re talking about.” Jesus was betrayed and forsaken by the disciples who were closest to him.


After being sentenced to death and flogged, Jesus was mocked by the soldiers. He was crowned with thorns, his head was beaten with a staff, and he was spat upon. When the passers-by, the chief priests, and the scribes saw Jesus on the cross, they joined in cursing and mocking him.


There were some women by Jesus, who had followed him to the end. Yet, the sight of Jesus on the cross—abandoned, abused, betrayed, and mocked -- showed how he was forsaken by the people. It was as if he was being told that his life was worthless and that everything he had ever said or done had no meaning.


The plot of the chief priests, who were against Jesus, was most likely to not only take Jesus’ life but to deny all of it. They thought they had succeeded. In fact, everyone who was there thought so as well, including the passers-by and the disciples. It seemed that Jesus was forsaken by the people and by God, and not only lost his life but lost everything.



God who is in solidarity with human suffering


However, this Jesus is the Son of God. The Son of God is God, and who God is is revealed through Jesus. When Jesus prayed that the hour of suffering would pass, he also prayed at the same time as follows.


“Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:36)


Jesus may not have prayed for the suffering to pass away and for God's will to be done, all at once. He may have prayed many times for the cup to be taken away and then finally prayed, "Not what I will, but what God wills.” Upon praying in that way three times, Jesus finally took on the path of suffering to the cross, as God’s will.


Jesus was the Son of God. In other words, the suffering of Jesus on the cross shows us what God is like. Where was God when Jesus was suffering on the cross? God was on the cross with Jesus. The God of the Bible is the God who is crucified with Jesus.


The God of the Bible was one who is exposed to human suffering from the very beginning. God cannot remain sitting on the throne when the people God created are suffering and crying out on earth. Rather, God descends upon those who suffer on earth, and goes through every detail of the suffering with them.


God sent Jesus Christ into the world. Jesus lived amid those who suffered in the world--those who were deprived of their strength and were considered the least of these—, communed with them deeply, and became one of them himself. He became a friend to those who were called sinners and regarded as unworthy in this world. Jesus told them that God is with them, loves them, and that God blesses them.


 The cross was the most agonizing place in the world. God sent Jesus down to stand amid the suffering people of this world. Jesus faced death on the cross so that God could be in solidarity with the abandoned and those in the world who are overwhelmed, troubled, and in sorrow.


A theologian once said that God is the one who “suffers where God’s people suffer.” The death of Jesus on the cross shows us that God bears any kind of suffering in the world. There is not one single sufferings of us humans that God does not know about. Even when it seems that God has forsaken us, God comes down to us and takes on all our sorrows, sufferings, and troubles.



Keep watch


It is not usual for a person to bear all the sufferings of this world, and to die a death that seems forsaken by both people and God. That is why Jesus was deeply distressed, overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, and in anguish. This is also why he wanted his disciples to pray with him, so that he may take on this suffering upon himself.


Nevertheless, the disciples fell asleep. They had fallen asleep, even though they were in a place where if they had looked up, they could see Jesus praying desperately while in overwhelming sorrow. Their eyelids were heavy so they could not stay awake with their eyes open. This illustrates the weakness of us humans.


Sometimes, although we know that someone else is in anguish, we cannot bear to take on that suffering too. We close our eyes to the suffering and fall asleep as if it never happened. It is not only that we just cannot look at it, but sometimes it is even as if we have no intention to look at it from the start. This is because, this way, it is less agonizing for us.


Jesus said to Peter, who had fallen asleep, "Simon, are you asleep? Couldn't you keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” (Mark 14:37-38) Jesus would also say to us—those who may close our eyes, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”


If the disciples were awake, they would have been able to feel Jesus' deep distress, overwhelming sorrow, and troubles. They would have also been able to carry even a small part of the suffering together. The disciples were not asked to carry it all on behalf of Jesus. Jesus asked them to stay awake so that they could carry a part of it. The disciples would not necessarily be able to get rid of the suffering, but they could open their eyes and keep watch.


The sufferings of Jesus show the great sacrifice that God made for us human beings, and the deep love of God, who cannot stand still when God sees the suffering of us people. God will never forsake anyone. No matter how the value of human life may be treated in this world, not matter what kind of suffering may be inflicted on anyone, God will never forsake. Rather, God is willing to bear all our sorrows and sufferings that we humans bear.


Jesus is calling us as he called the disciples. “Keep watch.” In this Passion Week, we first turn our eyes to the suffering that Jesus Christ bore. That suffering on the cross is the suffering that God bore for you and me, and for all people. It is an expression of God's love. It is through Jesus that we see the suffering of the world and see the crucified Jesus Christ who is there in the suffering.


Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama