































































March, 7th 2021  Sunday Service

" Suffering together "

Scripture reading taken from Mark 10:23~31



Abandon yourself, not your family


Jesus sometimes says something surprising. Today's passage is one of them.


“Truly I tell you, no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother of father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields – along with persecutions – and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” (Mark 10: 29-31)


What does this mean? I don't think Jesus recommended that he sacrifice his family for any purpose. To understand this, let's first consider what the family was like in the society at that time.


In Galilee, where Jesus and his disciples lived, most people’s lives are centred around agriculture. Farmers' lives are very hard, and they do not get enough to eat every day. The Galilean people struggled, with the whole family ploughing the fields, making their own daily necessities, sharing things with their neighbours, and eating together.


There, one’s identity was determined by which village and which family he belongs to. For example, Jesus is called "Jesus of Nazareth" or "Jesus the Son of Mary", and this was how people determined who Jesus was.


Depending on which family you are a member of, the appropriate profession and social status have been determined. You had to belong to a family to be connected to a social network. The family also had the role of inheriting property and producing agricultural products. Jesus also listed "houses" and "fields" alongside family (in verse 29), both of which were closely linked to family.


With this premise, let's think about Jesus' words. "The one who abandoned the house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, and fields" was, first of all, Jesus himself. However, Jesus did not sacrifice his family. What the family inherited and protected was left untouched. Jesus separated himself from the network, property, and assurance of his family. Being away from my family and not having a house or a field was a huge risk. In other words, Jesus did not sacrifice someone for himself, but abandoned what he had for his mission. And he recommended it to his disciples.



Difficult to throw away


The disciples said, "We have thrown everything away and followed you" (10:28), but that is not so easy. That is reflected in what happened before this exchange between Jesus and his disciples.


A man ran up to Jesus. He was a very serious person and adhered to the law of the law. He probably kept what adults told him since he was a kid. I don't know if it was because of his efforts or inheritance, but he had a lot of fortune. He was convinced that it was also the result of his efforts and the blessing of God.


He asked Jesus what he needed to inherit "eternal life." Eternal life is not something like immortality but being blessed by God and being put into the kingdom of God. However, Jesus' answer was unexpected.


“One thing you lack. Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”(Mark 10:21)


In other words, Jesus asked him to "throw away everything and follow him." He was told to abandon what was a source of social status for him, a guarantee of the future, and a psychological support. When he heard this word, he was disappointed and sadly left.


What he felt is probably what everyone else would feel, fear and hesitation. If it were just a part then it is not unthinkable, but no one would ever think of letting go all of their social success. It's hard to think of letting go of your existing guarantees and comfort zone, especially when you're having trouble.


It's scary for everyone to let go of what they have. Moreover, when self-responsibility or self-help is emphasized, it is natural to want to have more to protect yourself. It's not just this man who stumbles on "throw away everything and obey", but us as well.



Promise to receive 100 times what you let go


Jesus recommended throwing away what we regard as our property, our possessions and that which protects us. It leads us to a new life, a new way of life. And by doing so, Jesus promised that we will receive more, hundreds of times more than we throw away!


Of course, that doesn't mean that if you invest all your property, it will be multiplied by 100 and returned to you. It's not that you have more of what you have - power, honour, peace, life, etc. - but something different and much richer.


A glimpse of eternal life and the kingdom of God is seen on Jesus' table. Jesus ate with various people. He sometimes had a meal at the house, where he was invited by a religious leader. But what stood out at Jesus' table was a meal with those who were suffering or discriminated against in society at the time, and with those who were hungry.


What they received at the table was the love of Jesus. What was shared was the love of God, who loves everyone. There, any wall of separation created by man was smashed, and everyone was equal and freed from everything and rejoiced in each other's existence. It was a fellowship that transcended the borders of a family, but it was as if they were gathered at the family table, had a fellowship that strengthened the bonds between each other, talked happily, laughed together, and prayed for one another. At that table, people were empowered, made friends with Jesus, given peace, and filled with life.


When you try to join Jesus' table, your strengths and your shields (possessions, properties, etc) becomes an obstacle. The table of Jesus, which is equal and free does not suit, but rather undermine, property, status, and honour. Still, Jesus wants everyone to join this table. Everyone was hoping that the Lord Jesus would give them a new life and that the world would be filled with the blessings of God. That is why Jesus asked him to throw away what he had.



God's help that can do anything


When we join Jesus' table and follow Jesus, we join in this kind of fellowship, sharing and communicating that blessing and joy. It is different from the joy and peace of mind that the world gives, but Jesus promised that there would be 100 times more joy and peace.


It's the path we begin by throwing it away. It's a way to share suffering with those who suffer. It was Jesus who showed us the way to such a new way of life. First of all, Jesus, who abandoned everything, suffered with those who suffered, became their friend, continued to accompany them, and showed the image of the kingdom of God and points the way to a new way of life.


The decision to take that path is not something you can make on your own, but it's okay.


“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”(Mark 10:27)


Encounters with Jesus and faith in God are not something that you can get by yourself, but with God’s help and guidance.


Jesus walked along this road ahead of us. Jesus walks with us. And Jesus assures us the way ahead. We are not alone. Let us live with Jesus and follow him, who suffered together with us when we suffered and gave his all for ourselves.


Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama