









イエス様は、ヤコブとヨハネの願いが異邦人の価値観と同じだとおっしゃいます。「異邦人の間では、支配者と見なされている人々が民を支配し、偉い人たちが権力を振るっている。」(10:42) これは当時のイスラエルを支配していたローマ帝国のことを念頭に置いている言葉でしょう。弟子たちはローマ帝国の価値観のままで、支配者や偉い人になりたいという思いをもちながら、イエス様に従っていました。彼らはイエス様がローマに勝利して、ローマ皇帝のように君臨することを想像していたのです。





































February, 21th 2021  Sunday Service

" Changing our values "

Scripture reading taken from Mark 10:35~45


A road different from the values of this world


At last week's service, we talked about the richness of "serving each other." Jesus taught us that it is important to serve God and to serve others. However, it seems that this was not the norm even for Jesus' twelve disciples.


At one point, the brothers, James and John of the twelve disciples asked Jesus, "we want a special position among the disciples." Perhaps they were imagining Jesus on the throne. They wanted to be seated next to Jesus, which was the left and right side of Jesus. The other disciples were angry when they heard this story later. I'm sure the other disciples, like James and John, wanted to be in a higher position among the disciples.


Jesus replies to their wish, "You do not know what you are asking." What Jesus was about to do was completely different from what his disciples were hoping for. Immediately before this exchange, Jesus predicts that he would go to Jerusalem and be sentenced to death.


Jesus says that the wishes of James and John are the same as the values of the Gentiles. “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.” (10:42) This was said with the Roman Empire that ruled Israel at that time in mind. The disciples followed Jesus with the values of the Roman Empire and the desire to be rulers and great men. They imagined that Jesus would defeat Rome and reign like a Roman emperor.


However, what happened in Jerusalem was the death of Jesus on the cross. Even if it was foretold, it was not understood or accepted by the disciples, and when it happened, it seemed that they had no choice but to run away. What Jesus showed was different from the values of the world.



Submit to the suffering and death of the Lord


The wishes of James and John were completely misguided, but Jesus does not scold them. He only tries to fix that idea. He says that a special relationship with Jesus is created by drinking the cup that Jesus drinks and being baptized the same way as Jesus. It is the cup that remembers Jesus' suffering and a baptism through Jesus' death.


Obedience to Jesus begins with seeing why and how Jesus suffered and believing that it was for ourselves. When we understand and believe that the meaning of Jesus' life, that the Son of God came to this world and not only to display his glory in this world, but also suffered and died as a human, had something to do with me, then we will begin to follow Jesus.


Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom of God. It is a place governed by God and where God's will is shown. It is where people are truly free, and where everyone can receive God's love and blessings. The kingdom of God is a promise for the future, and Jesus has revealed it among the people who live in this world. Jesus had to suffer and die on the cross in order to bring about the kingdom of God and fulfil it. Jesus was the one who served everyone.


“Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (10: 43-45)


The Son of Man is Jesus. Jesus came to this world to serve everyone including us. Jesus' ministry was not for his own honour or status, but for everyone, including us. In return for bringing us the kingdom of God, Jesus literally offered his own life.


Therefore, to obey Jesus is not to be great, but to serve everyone. Obeying Jesus involves a shift in values. The desire to be great or to stand on top of others is incompatible. Being a disciple of Jesus means submitting to the suffering and death of Jesus and presenting yourself to serve everyone.



Towards the kingdom of God


It is very difficult to express what the kingdom of God is like. This is because, in history, even if it is revealed in parts, it has never been completely revealed. However, I understand that it is something that helps us reflect on our values and recreates them.


What is clear in today's passage is that the kingdom of God is different from the rule of power. It manifested itself in the rule of the Roman Empire at the time, when Israel was ruled by King Herod, and when the Jerusalem temple system was also in a position of power. Their rule was un-liberating and unfair. It seems that the disciples were expecting a change of ruler, but Jesus is trying to create a new world different from that.


On the other hand, the rural village of Galilee, where Jesus and his disciples lived, had a different relationship. There were strong blood relationships, and people helped each other and lived together every day. However, that does not seem to exactly overlap with the kingdom of God. There were probably elements of exclusion, and it would have been similar to bondage because of the preservation of the old laws and traditions. It is believed that the kingdom of God did not mean returning to the old society.


I believe that the kingdom of God that Jesus preaches and seeks to create is a truly free and truly equal world. A world where everyone lives freely, but they help each other and live together, rather than to be greedy or fight each other. A world where each person is respected and diverse. I think that such a small scale of the kingdom of God appeared in the place where Jesus was, even though it was a small gathering.


And there, everyone becomes a servant. People who serve everyone will obey Jesus and create the kingdom of God with Jesus. In particular, those who want to be great and those who have power will become people who serve everyone. To serve willingly is to walk toward the kingdom of God, just as Jesus served everyone.


However, it will not be based on human nature. Rather, it may be our human nature that makes us want to be served rather than serving others. That is why Jesus served us. He even dedicated his own life to us. He gave us freedom and gave his life as a ransom so that we could serve both God and man, who were trapped without being free. That is Jesus Christ.


We will be reborn as people who serve through Jesus Christ who has served, suffered and gave his life on the cross. When we obey Jesus, serve God, and live in service, it is not just serving at where we are. At that time, we are walking together on the path that Jesus walked, which is to bring about the kingdom of God. Whether we serve in the church or in our daily lives, when we serve like Jesus, we too are on the path to the kingdom of God.


Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama