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January, 17th 2021 Sunday Service
" Here and now "
Scripture reading taken from Matthew 6:9~13
Prayer for God to act
The "Lord's Prayer" prayed in our Sunday service every week is the prayer that Jesus taught to his disciples. Religious leaders at that time seemed to pray to show off in public, but such prayers were not possible for ordinary people. But the prayer taught by Jesus was not meant for showing off nor was it long and tedious. That prayer is a word of prayer that has crossed over eras and regions.
There are six wishes in the Lord's Prayer. The first three are calling to God using the word "thy." Although omitted in the New Interconfessional Translation (Japanese version), each says, hallowed be “thy” name, “thy” kingdom come, “thy” will be done. As you can see, “thy” which means “God’s” is repeated.
This is a prayer that hopes that God will respond and realize these things. When God takes action, the name of God is worshiped, the kingdom of God comes, and the will of God is performed.
Jesus taught us to call out to God with, “our Father in heaven”. “Heaven” does not mean the sky, but the place where God is. Heaven is the place where God originally acts, where God governs, and where God's thoughts are expressed as they are.
On the other hand, "earth" is not only the ground and land, but the whole world, especially the world in which we humans live. The land was created by God, and it was supposed to be a place is according to God's will.
In the Lord's Prayer, the keyword heaven links our prayers for God's involvement in the first half. In other words, it is a prayer that we hope that God's name will be worshiped, that God will rule, and God's thoughts will be revealed in the earth as in heaven.
May you know about God
The first prayer is, “Hallowed be thy name”. It is said that the name-that is, the name of God-was called Yahweh. This was the name revealed to Moses by God himself. When God tells us his name, it means that God wants to let us humans know about him.
Of course, we cannot know all about him, but God wants us to know what kind of person God is, what kind of feelings he has, and what kind of things he does. He wants you to know that. To that end, God shows himself to us.
To be worshiped is to be holy and unadulterated. The first prayer is to pray that God reveal himself in this world so that we humans can know the essence of God and know it as it is. Is the first prayer.
May God rule the world
The next prayer is "Thy kingdom come". This kingdom is the kingdom of God-the kingdom of heaven in the Gospel of Matthew. It is a prayer that God will rule the earth just as he ruled heaven. A prayer that above all, God will rule the world and that all rulers will obey him, not alongside humans nor complimented by humans.
Everything Jesus said and did is part of the kingdom of God. In other words, what Jesus said and did represents the kingdom of God, that God ruled. Such a kingdom of God has already begun with the arrival of Jesus. However, it has not been completed yet, and it is still going toward its completion.
God enters the history of this world and governs it. Through that, those who encountered God was made anew. Not only that, but what we pray for here is that God's justice will be done, and God's peace will be brought about in this world. In this prayer, we hope that God's justice and peace will emerge by actually transforming human history and the structure of society.
May the world be full of abundance
The third prayer is, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." This will is the will of God. We want God's will to be done. His will, which is good for all, is to share the blessings of God's abundance.
The God that the Bible testifies is the one who created this world. God created a rich world and wishes for it to continue being a world full of that richness. This richness is not to be concentrate on one group, but to permeate every group in corner of the world.
The heaven that God governs is full of God's abundance. However, in this world, human sin prevents God's will from being done. People take away the richness of the world, monopolize it, and use it up. When God's will is done, such human sins will be denied and a new society and a new world will be created. God wants people to be born again and to change the world through them, and we are asked by Jesus to pray that way.
The kingdom of God is not only in heaven, but also in the world through Jesus Christ. God's will is directed not only to heaven, but also to the events that occur on us human beings living in this world, and to fill the world with abundance.
May our needs be met
The first three prayers focused on God's actions, while the latter three focused on the needs of humans living in this world. The words of prayer also change from "thy" to "us."
The first prayer in the second half is, "Give us this day thy daily bread" The word "food" (in Japanese, the word糧 is used and it means food) is translated to mean bread, but in the Bible, bread is the staple food and symbolizes food in general, so it refers to daily food and provisions. This prayer does not ask for future needs, but for the food we need today. It doesn't have to be too much, and I hope we can get the right amount we need.
For the Galilean people at that time, "I want bread to eat today" was an urgent wish. It is the most basic desire for human beings and being unable to fulfil that desire would create serious anxiety and fear.
Even in Japan, it is very heart breaking that some people have starved to death in recent years. The number of households that do not have enough to eat is increasing. Even if this is not the case, we may also have anxiety and fear due to financial issues. Some say that such anxiety and fear cause the most damage to our mind.
Jesus took such anxiety and fear seriously. That is why he taught us to pray that our needs will be met and that we will be free from anxiety and fear. That things like "I have nothing to eat today" or "I can't live without money" will not happen. In other words, God takes our anxieties and fears seriously.
What we are looking for here is daily providence. We are taught to pray that we will be given enough to enjoy the abundance of God, rather than a high-class marbled beef or a feast that will lead to leftover food.
Also, what we are looking for is our bread, not my bread. It is a prayer that no one will starve, no one will be in need, and no one will be left behind.
We can pray for such prayers frankly and every day. God is listening to it.
Forgive us and be the one who can forgive us
The next prayer is, "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sins against us." There are two sides to this sin. One is not doing what we should do to God and our neighbours. The other is doing what we shouldn't have done. We have to take responsibility for what we failed to do and what we have committed-even if no one knows it.
Who of us can be free from such sins? Far from being free, every day, without exception, I think I gained a new sin. So, just as we seek daily food, we also need forgiveness for our sins in our daily lives.
There is a need for a community- human beings trying to live together. People cannot live together unless they forgive each other. This prayer also seeks forgiveness of "us" rather than "me", so it is not enough for one person to seek forgiveness. We, who are trying to live together, need to seek forgiveness together.
At that time, we are first taught to pray for forgiveness from God. God knows all of our sins, but he still loves us, believes that we will be renewed, and continues to walk with us. Supported and encouraged by God's forgiveness, we forgive our neighbours and seek forgiveness.
However, this forgiveness does not mean "it’s okay, don't worry about it". God is the one who brings about justice and peace. Forgiveness does not mean tolerating injustice, nor does it mean enduring violence. While entrusting to God our anger, hatred, and revenge, therefore freeing us from it, we should strive for justice and peace.
May we be protected by the hand of God
The final prayer is, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" "Temptation" is a word that can be translated as a trial or an attempt. Also, the "evil" is not a human being, but an expression that signifies the evil of the world.
We pray that we will be free from anxiety and fear, and from anger and hatred, but we are weak. At the time of trials and attempts as if Satan was attacking you, you would feel chained and discouraged. You may not even be able to pray.
In this world, there are temptations to separate us from God and attempts to destroy our trust and expectations. We cannot overcome it alone. Therefore, we pray that we will be aware of our weaknesses and be protected by the hand of God.
The Lord's Prayer is a prayer for God to act here now and to provide us with the fundamental needs and help of our daily lives. Let's walk each day with the Lord, remembering the prayers that Jesus taught for us and believing that God will respond to those prayers.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama