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January, 10th 2021 Sunday Service
" Those who are worthy of respect "
Scripture reading taken from Matthew 5:1~12
Those who are respected by the Son of God
Jesus, who began his mission in Galilee, a region of northern Palestine, travelled around villages announcing that the kingdom of God was approaching and healed the sick. A large crowd gathered under Jesus. Seeing the crowd and being taught by his disciples is the “Sermon on the Mount (The Beatitudes)”, which begins today.
The "Sermon on the Mount" begins by repeatedly saying,” Blessed are those”. “Blessed (the Japanese version uses the word ‘fortunate’)” is explained in the Japanese dictionary as “lucky, blessed, and satisfied or happy.” However, it was the "poor people" who was first told by Jesus as blessed. You can see that “blessed” here does not mean luck or happiness.
To be "blessed" is to be respected. What kind of people did Jesus, the Son of God, say are worthy of respect? And again, I would like to think about how Jesus speaks about God's feelings there.
Blessed are the poor and sorrowful
It should be noted that Jesus did not say here that generally those " poor in spirit" were blessed. Jesus said that after he looked at the crowd that had gathered and thought of the people he had met so far. These people were the Galilean people who were literally poor, not just mentally poor.
Galilee is a fertile land, and people were able to live a rich life while helping each other. It was an ideal paradise for people at that time, as God called it "a land where milk and honey flow".
Galilee was prosperous to some extent around the 1st century AD when Jesus lived. But its prosperity was not shared equally, the extreme inequality was widening, and the Galilean people were under pressure from exploitation and oppression. Excessive taxes were levied, and it was not uncommon for those in power and millionaires to rob their land and crops, force them to incur debts, and made it not uncommon for them to sell their family members off to pay for their debts.
There is a saying at the time, “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” (Matthew 13:12). Almost all Galilean people faced the crisis of "even what they have will be taken from them". And in fact, those who have lost a small amount of possession due to debt, fraud, intimidation, war, unseasonable weather or illness have fallen to the bottom of society and are considered religiously unclean. They were treated like consumable item economically and left to die.
What is happening in modern society? The tendency that "people who have it will be given more and become richer, but those who do not have it will be taken up" seems to be even stronger. Post-war Japan has been adopted by foreign countries and has continued to grow, but in recent years the disparity between the rich and poor has continued to widen in Japan as well.
Therefore, we should be able to imagine what kind of people was Jesus looking at. And only by reading that way can we understand the true meaning of what Jesus said. "Poor people" were literally poor people. They were also "sorrowful people." They were people who were unilaterally deprived of the abundance that God had given them and became poor and sacrificed to maintain the structure of their society. But Jesus says such people are "blessed".
People who live together, aspire for righteousness, and help each other
Jesus also called the people of Galilee "the meek". Being meek means being humble in front of God and being humble and generous with others. They are those who still try to live in non-violent relationships in a violent social structure.
In the rural areas of Galilee at that time, 5 to 6 rooms were built around the courtyard. A family lived in each room. Is it just like making a Japanese long house smaller and arranging it in a circle? The doorway of the room was only on the courtyard side. The Galileans-both Jesus and his disciples-lived in the courtyard, eating with other families and spending time in groups. They lived by helping each other by sharing kitchen hearths and mills, lending and borrowing food, and listening to folklores.
Of course, the Galileans were not saints, so they would have made mistakes. But Jesus said that, despite living in a world filled with violence – actually, precisely in such a world, these people who still tried to live together with one another are called the meek, and they are blessed.
The people of Galilee were also "thirsty people for righteousness." In Galilee at that time, social resistance movements were frequently executed. Those who participated in the movement were usually economically depressed peasants. They were not just silently enduring oppression and exploitation.
The belief that the Lord God was absolute was deeply rooted among the Galilean peasants. Therefore, they did not succumb to human rule, sought God's righteousness, and eagerly aspired to establish God's justice in the real world.
They couldn't keep silent about the attacks and sacrifices of their community members, not to mention when they and their families were victims of violence. They were eager for God to see their suffering, hear their screams, and rescue them. Jesus said that these people were “blessed”.
Jesus also described the people of Galilee as "merciful". Compassion is the feeling that arises when seeing someone suffering, screaming and being sacrificed, as well as the act that arises from that feeling of compassion. Such mercy is based on the mercy that God has on us. Jesus said that those who are merciful and tried to help others just as God had mercy on them were blessed.
Those who serve only God, try to create peace, and are persecuted for righteousness
"Pure mind" means that there is no mixture in the mind. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches that one cannot serve two masters.
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)
The Galileans did not want to be like those in powers and millionaires of Jerusalem and Rome. What they asked for was God's righteousness, and they lived by sharing the abundance that God provided. Such people are also said to be blessed.
And such people are called “peacemakers”. That peace is not the apparent peace of violence like "Peace of Rome", but the peace that the Hebrew word "Shalom" means. God has created a world full of abundance and wishes for it to be a world full of abundance. The peace that the Bible speaks of is that all people—or beyond humanity—the whole world—share the abundance created by God and fill the world with abundance.
It does not mean simple economic development, nor can it be equated with the improvement of material affluence and convenience of life. Moreover, it cannot be made at the expense of someone. It is said that those who try to realize the peace of abundance created by God are also blessed people.
But these people are persecuted. This is because they try to break out of the existing social structure and create a new world and a new order. Those who monopolize affluence in the existing social structure do not tolerate it, even if it is not at the expense of someone. "The prophets before you were persecuted in the same way," Jesus said. Persecution for God's righteousness may be a timeless commonality. However, Jesus said that such people were “blessed”.
Blessings and promises from the Creator
Jesus said that these people are blessed and declares that the kingdom of God (what is called the kingdom of heaven in the Gospel of Matthew) belongs to them. It is by no means pointing to the world after death. God, prominent in the Old Testament story, creates the kingdom of God in the midst of this reality.
God created this world out of chaos. Human beings who were created to protect the order of the world repeatedly create chaos against God's wishes. However, God overcomes such human sins and the chaos created by humans and creates a new order. Like the Exodus that Israel experienced, helps people escape from the old society and creates a path for people into the new society.
God does not intend to do that only for a certain number of people. But it is the poor, the thirsty for righteousness, and the peacemakers, who are said to be blessed and will first inherit the kingdom of God. This new community created by God will be the light that guides people to God's plan in the chaotic darkness.
And God comforts, fills, and gives mercy to people in this community. Even if there is chaos in the world, people are filled with joy when they see God there, and they are made children of God who wait on God.
Words of blessings are blessings to those who are suffering and hurt in chaos, still looking to God, and earnestly praying for God's will to be done in this world. At the same time, it is a promise that God will continue to create the world and bring the kingdom of God to this world. That is why Jesus says. "Blessed are you. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven." God will surely reward you.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama