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あなたもご存じかと思いますが、律法の中で最も重要な掟は二つあります。「あなたは心を尽くし、魂を尽くし、力を尽くして、あなたの神、主を愛しなさい。」(申命記6:5)「自分自身を愛するように隣人を愛しなさい。」(レビ記19:18) それは人が人として――神様に創られた善き被造物として――生きるために失ってはならない掟でした。どのような理由からであっても、これらの愛を失っているならば、人は良い交わりを失い、神様の祝福を失っているのです。それを神様は「罪」と呼びます。そのような意味で、私とあなたはどちらも罪人です。
牧師 杉山望
December, 27th, 2020 Sunday Service
" A Letter to Herod's Soldiers "
Scripture reading taken from Matthew 2:16~18
Dear Sir,
Please excuse me for sending you a letter suddenly. There were two reasons why I decided to write a letter to you without addressing it to you directly. One of them is that I remembered a few years ago when my seminary teacher wrote a letter to a person named Mary who lived in the same era as you. The other is that I read the part of the Bible where you were mentioned and thought of you.
From the time you live, the time I live is more than 2000 years later than yours. Japan, where I live, is the far east from Judea, where you lived. It's a country far farther than that of the astrological scholars who came to Jerusalem from the east that you might have met.
Last week I offered a worship service to celebrate Christmas at the church. Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the "newborn King of the Jews" that the astrological scholars were looking for.
At that time, King Herod, who you were serving, seemed to be angry. He has a strong suspicion of others and kills anyone and their family without mercy if he hears that they are aiming for his position. Imagine how furious and anxious King Herod got when he heard the news of the birth of a new king.
However, Herod's anger has not yet reached its peak. He was trying to find out from the scholars where the prophesied child was, but surprisingly the scholars did not return to Herod. Between only you and me, God told the scholars, “Do not go back to Herod”, in a dream.
Herod was very angry and said, “I was deceived by the scholars”, because the scholars never returned. The tragic incident caused by the angry Herod was recorded in the Bible and has been passed down until 2000 years later. The incident involved killing all boys under the age of two in Bethlehem and the surrounding area. And you were among the soldiers who were ordered by Herod and sent to Bethlehem at that time.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you. I'm writing a letter because I have something to tell you. The one that the eastern scholars met was Jesus Christ.
By the way, what kind of person was King Herod, the one you served? From what I've heard, he was a politically talented person who was very brutal, had a strong desire for power, and was always worried about losing it. For a long time, he reigned as king of the Jewish region, but when he died, it was said that no one mourned for his death.
As he was such a person, you probably didn't adore Herod either. Instead of sympathizing with Herod's thoughts and orders from the bottom of your heart, you probably felt resistance. I'm sure you were conflicted about the order at that time.
Since you were a soldier, it may not have been the first time you killed a person. You have probably captured, tortured, or killed those who upset security and those who caused riots. Still, it was the first time you were ordered to target only young child and kill all of them.
How did you feel when you heard Herod's command and executed it? You probably had a hard time accepting it. No one can boast about slaughtering young children. No matter how unreasonable the command may be, you could not disobey King Herod. If you disobey, your life is at stake and your family's future is completely uncertain.
Some of your peers may have blamed Herod for everything. Sure, it was Herod who ordered it that way, and he is responsible for it. However, I think there were some of you who did it without so much as blinking an eye.
The country I live in, Japan, was at war until 75 years ago. Japanese soldiers were murdering, looting, and raping outside the battlefield. Some were willing to do it, while others were reluctant but had to do it as they could not disobey their orders. Whichever it is, there is no excuse for the victims. However, the act of injuring or killing because of being unable to disobey orders is still practiced even now.
In my country, those who returned from the battlefield rarely talked about what they had done. However, they haven't forgotten it. Among them, there were some who were hurting in their heart. Though there were many people who behaved as if nothing had happened, but I think many of them can only build relationship with others based on violence.
Is it possible to be happy while hurting people? Even if you don't realize it, you may actually be hurting deep inside. You may have lost something important. I'm worried that you might have become like that.
I’ve talked about modern soldiers as they were an example close to you. But in fact, I myself have hurt or sacrificed others for my own benefit. I think there were times when I hurt people or misled people for my company. I was also doing the role I was given by the company-for the sake of the me who is working there-with inner conflictions and reservations.
From a slightly larger perspective, the modern society in which I live is structured to make a lot of profits at the expense of someone. There are ways other than directly sacrificing others. All of us are built into that structure where we sacrifice someone for ourselves, or we become a sacrifice for someone else.
I said I wouldn't blame you, but in fact I'm not qualified to blame you. That's because I'm the same "sinner" as you. If I want to judge you for your sins, I must first judge myself.
Someone said that it was a sin to "break, prevent, or everything that hinders fellowship." People originally live together in fellowship. For human beings, fellowship with God and fellowship with neighbors are necessary for living.
As you may know, there are two of the most important rules of the law. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6: 5) “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). These are the rules that a person must not lose in order to live as a person-as a good creature created by God. For whatever reason, if we lose these loves, we are losing good fellowship and the blessings of God. God calls it "sin." In that sense, you and I are both sinners.
Well, it was a long introduction, but what I wanted to tell you is that there is someone who forgives our sins, and that is Jesus Christ. In fact, Herod did not achieve his objective with the order he commanded you. As a child, Jesus escaped Herod's hand under God's guidance and began public activities about 30 years later, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and proclaiming the forgiveness of sins to the people.
I want you to meet Jesus too. Of course, instead of attacking with weapons, I want you go there emptyhanded to see the little child laid in a manger or eat with people called sinners. Furthermore, I want you to see the figure that was betrayed by his disciples and abandoned by the people, but who accepted all of them and was crucified.
Instead of blaming us for our sins, Jesus forgives them. It's not just empty talk. Jesus was born in the midst of a world full of sin, fellowship with us sinners, and was crucified with all our sins on his back.
Jesus did not lose his love for us, break our fellowship, judge us as a sinner, or expel us. On the contrary, he loved us, became friends with us, helped us encounter God, and helped us regain what we lost. That is the love of the Lord Jesus, which is directed not only to me but also to you.
Matthew, who recorded down the case you were involved in, quotes the words of the Prophet Jeremiah. The words of the prophecy say that the sacrifice of a child is a tragedy that is not in the slightest comforting.
But Jeremiah's prophecy does not end with mourning. He also prophesied that the day would come when God would make a "new covenant" with people.
“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Jeremiah 31:33-34)
This is a new contract. And it was none other than Jesus Christ who fulfilled it.
We cannot think as nothing of the mistakes we did in the past. However, God no longer rejects us. On the contrary, Jesus promised, "I will always be with you until the end of the world." Fellowship between us and God is always open to us. All we need to do to join that fellowship is to respond to God's call.
At the same time, Jesus is trying to recreate the fellowship between us and our neighbors. It is not done by our possession of weapons-self-protection or blame or sacrifice others. By imitating Jesus, who has fallen to the lowest of the world, God will lead us to a new fellowship.
May the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ reach you as well. May you make a new covenant with the Lord through his forgiveness. We also hope that you will pray for the gospel of the Lord Jesus to be delivered even in this age.
Last but not least, I pray from the bottom of my heart for the blessing and peace of the Lord God be upon you.
Best regards
December 27, 2020
Pastor of Kanazawa Christian Church
Nozomi Sugiyama
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama