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牧師:杉山 望
December, 20th, 2020 Sunday Service
"Seeking true abundance"
Scripture reading taken from Matthew 2:1~12
Christmas for the world
This year too, we celebrated Christmas. Due to the unexpected situation of the corona crisis, we cannot celebrate it as we want, and it is a pity that some people may not be able to gather here. The fact that we can now gather in churches and offer worship services to celebrate Christmas is because there are those who are working to overcome this crisis, especially those involved in medical care and health. I would like to remember those people. We celebrate and worship Christmas for everyone, not just for those who gather here.
In the first place, Christmas originated from a place far away from here, celebrating the birth of a person born in a different ethnic group or nation. His name is Jesus, but at the same time, the Bible says, "The name is called Immanuel." Immanuel means "God is with us." The God of this world is with us. It was Jesus Christ who preached and realized that.
When we say ‘God is with us’, we are not limited to any land, race, or nation. Moreover, they are not even tied to religion. No one in this world, past or present, is excluded in “us” when we say “God is with us”. God is with each of us, with all human beings.
Christmas is now a celebrated all over the world. Even in Japan, where there are only a few Christians, the whole town will be full of Christmas atmosphere for two months starting from November. But many will either celebrate Christmas as a culture or custom or use it for economic activity. Christmas isn't celebrated, it's consumed.
Christmas brings about joy and social implications, so it we may not be able to change the way others see Christmas. However, as we remember Christmas and gather at church, we would like to focus on the original meaning of Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus Christ. We believe that it is the event that moves and illuminates our hearts more than any gifts or illumination.
Similarities between the time of Jesus and the present
The birth of Jesus happened about 2000 years ago. I don't know the exact time or date, but it certainly happened in Palestine on the eastern Mediterranean coast. At that time, the entire Palestinian region was also under the control of the Roman Empire, and they entrusted the control to King Herod.
Herod secured his dominance with a carrot and stick policy. He undertook a major renovation of the Temple in Jerusalem. Its magnificence was said to be most beautiful, incomparable to others. Also, when Palestine was hit by a great famine, Herod sometimes imported food on out of his own pocket and reduced taxes.
On the other hand, Herod put a fierce crackdown on his critics and political opponents. Though there were times where taxes were reduced, generally the people of this era were suffering from heavy taxes. While they had a policy of trying to tame the people, they also used power and violence to suppress them.
The people were suffering not only from Herod's rule, but also from Roman rule. Many of the taxes levied on the people were for Rome, and sometimes they were forced to labour for the romans. In addition, taxes were collected by the Temple in Jerusalem as well. The high priests and scribes who worked in the temple are said to have made huge profits. In addition, droughts, famines and repeated plagues struck people. The inequality widened, life became unstable, the future was uncertain, and many people lost their lives.
On the other hand, the people were not monoliths either. Even in this era, people were divided, and class and discrimination were strengthened. Those who were called "sinners," "people of the earth," or considered "dirty," were restricted from interacting with and even eating with others. Those who have a specific occupation or who have an illness or disability are targeted. The shepherd in the Christmas story was also one of the discriminated professions.
Of course, Palestine 2000 years ago and modern Japan are not the same. However, as it is said that "history repeats itself", there are places where the time and the present seem to overlap. Along with the existence of cross-country dominance, political powers are trying to have a stronger cane while giving out carrots. Inequalities are widening and life instability is increasing. It is at such times that we need to cooperate and help each other, but not only can we see the division between people, discriminations are intensifying.
If so, the Christmas events are not just in the past, but present as well. Jesus was born 2000 years ago, but what God has told us and what we are trying to do through it is also directed to us living in the present.
A new king of justice and peace
After Jesus was born, astrological scholars came to Jerusalem to visit King Herod's royal palace. They were looking for a "newly born king" that was not in the royal palace. Upon hearing this news, King Herod and the people of Jerusalem were worried. The King and those around him who oppress the people, devour them, and seek their own prosperity and stability are not pleased with the birth of a new king, the Son of God, or the Saviour, but rather anxious.
That also applies now. In the midst of this emergency, people who goes to eat high-class yakiniku for 60,000 yen per person would not hear Christmas as a news of joy. Or, a person who lies as much as he wants, and continues to stick to his position of power without admitting the election results, is not pleased with the birth of a new king, even if he is a Christian.
The place where the new king was born was not in Jerusalem, where the royal palace is located, but in the rural area of Bethlehem. It was the village called "the smallest" in the Old Testament. "God is with us" began in the smallest of places-the one who was deprived of power and driven into the corner.
Born as a new King, Jesus Christ was the "new" King. He is not the king who has great power and controls people with carrots and sticks, but the one who was born in the smallest and weakest form with nothing. God is not the one who holds us down or robs us. He is the one who descends to us, or lower than us, and reveals himself to us in a completely defenceless manner.
The scholars are led by the stars to Bethlehem and enter one of the houses. There was a baby Jesus and his mother Mary. The scholars bowed down to worship the little Jesus, opened the treasure chest, and offered gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts. The way they bow down and give their gifts is the way the messengers do it before the king.
The scholars knew nothing about the Bible. Until they were led by the stars to Bethlehem, they probably believed that it was the mighty king who ruled and led the world. However, through hearing the words of the prophecy given by God and meeting a child held by his mother Mary in a very common house in a small rural area, they came to know what type of “new king” Jesus is.
God has given us a new king as a prince of peace. The king is prophesied to do the work of justice and grace. The gold, frankincense, and myrrh offered by scholars are very expensive and very valuable in the world. This new king creates this sort of abundance that allows us to offer up these valuables. This abundance is something we must have. It is something that we, humans, tend to lose easily or robbed of, both now and in the past.
True abundance-the light that illuminates the darkness
Christmas overlaps with the image of the night. Astrology scholars were led by the stars to meet the infant Jesus. Also, the shepherds heard the news of the birth of the Saviour when angels appeared while they were watching the flock of sheep all night. And it is said that the birth of Jesus was a light shining in the darkness.
Old Testament prophecies also tell us that the birth of the Saviour is a shining light in the darkness.
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9: 2).
“Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” (Isaiah 60: 1-2).
Scholars and shepherds were not the only ones walking in the darkness. The people of the time when Jesus was born were also in the darkness. God shined light on those people, gave them the power to stand up, and illuminated the way they started.
How about us? Are you in the light? I may have been walking in the darkness. Maybe I'm still in the dark. In some cases, you may not even realize that you were in the dark. Only by seeing that which is different than darkness, the light, I realize I was in darkness.
The year of being affected by the new coronavirus is about to end. But corona is not the only thing that attacks and robs us. The darkness that covers the world is created by humans rather than viruses. Like the time of King Herod, it is still a time of turmoil covered by darkness. But we are not abandoned in it. God is with us. This is also true for us living in the present.
Born as a new king, Jesus shows us how much God loves us, how much he cares about us, and how much he is willing to suffer for us. At the same time, it will illuminate the way we are going. That path is the path that Jesus walked, the path that was illuminated by the light of Jesus. It is a different path from the one that the powerful people of the world showed. The events of Christmas tell us that there is a true abundance given by God.
Let us also be illuminated by the light of Jesus and receive power and let us be guided by that light and walk together.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama