


<11月8日 礼拝プログラム>


招詞  コリントの信徒への手紙一 6章19~20節

賛美  新生讃美歌32 主のみ名をたたえよ (1,3)





聖書朗読 マルコによる福音書8章31節~9章1節

説教  『わたしは神のもの』


賛美  新生讃美歌622 慕いまつる主の (1,2,4)

賛美  新生讃美歌679 ベネディクション


招詞:コリントの信徒への手紙一 6章19~20節(聖書 新共同訳)













聖書:マルコによる福音書8章31節~9章1節(聖書 新共同訳)





















































































牧師:杉山 望 

November  8th,2020  Sunday Service

"I belong to God"

Scripture reading taken from Mark 8:31 ~ 9:1



The Peter who thought about humans


Last week, the whole world paid attention to the US presidential election. Looking at the election reports, I couldn't help but feel that their principles are becoming more selfish. Throughout this election, I was able to witness the strong support for President Trump, who has brazenly advocated the selfish policy of "America First." And it's a global trend, not just America.


Jesus' path was the exact opposite of selfishness, which emphasizes one's own interests and neglects or ignores the interests of others. At one point, Jesus told his disciples what was going to happen to him. He suffered a lot, was rejected and killed by Jewish leaders, and resurrected three days later. He said that he cannot escape from this suffering and being killed, that it is inevitable.


This inevitability does not mean that we cannot escape from the hands of those in power. The reason Jesus did not escape this suffering was because this was God’s will. Because Jesus listened to God's word and carried out his will, he had no choice but to collide with the leaders and powers, and had to suffer.


However, when Peter, a disciple, heard these words, he took Jesus to the side and began to rebuke Jesus. The word "rebuke" is used when Jesus "commanded" his disciples or "scolded" evil spirits. In other words, Jesus, who foretold his suffering, was scolded by his disciple Peter and was ordered to choose another path.


Then Jesus scolded Peter this time. It's a very severe rebuke.

"Get behind me, Satan. You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns." (8:33)

Peter's idea of trying to prevent the Passion of Jesus is that of Satan (the devil). "Thinking about humans" means that Peter is not thinking about God's will but is limited to his own values and thoughts.


To Peter, Jesus was a great person, and he deserved success, victory, and glory. He felt that the one he calls master should be free from suffering, humiliation, and death. Peter thought that Jesus was the one who can realize his thoughts, and he followed Jesus because he thought it would be beneficial for himself.



Think not only about yourself but also about other people


However, contrary to Peter’s plans, Jesus did not obey Peter. Jesus summoned the crowd and his disciples and said,

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (8:34).

To obey Jesus is to abandon yourself and carry your cross.


I think that denying oneself is a little different from the "spirit of self-sacrifice." The reason is that the people who gathered around Jesus were already victims of others or at risk of becoming one. I don't think Jesus said that he would impose further sacrifices on those who have been suffered multiple times by leaders and powers.


It would be closer to living on altruism, not on selfishness. To deny yourself is not just to think about your own interests, but to think about the interests and happiness of others and act for that purpose. It is also expressed in Jesus' teaching, also known as the golden rule- "Do to others what you would have them do to you." (Matthew 7:12).


France's Jacques Attali is calling for a shift to altruism in the wake of the Corona crisis. "Altruism is nothing more than rational selfishness, and it is in your own interest to be altruistic," he said.


What Jesus said is not making sacrificing oneself for the benefit of others a good thing. People were already sacrificed. To deny yourself is to abandon your thoughts. It's not just about what you want to do or what you want others do to you, but also doing to others what you would have them do to you, or It may be an invitation to wish for the happiness of others.



I can't buy back my life


Jesus also warns against a selfish way of life.

"For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and the gospel will save it." (8:35).


The Greek word "pushk" is translated here as "life", but it is not only the meaning of life, but also the soul, which is also the word for the power of life and the human being. As a person lives, he or she may be at risk of losing his or her physical life, but not only that, he may also be deprived of the power of life or threatened the value of his or her existence. In that sense, coronavirus is not the only thing that is threatening our “lives”.


If you lose such a "life", that loss cannot be replaced by anything else.

"What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" (8: 36-37) 


No matter how much you pursue your interests and gain success or victory there, you cannot buy back your life-the power of life or the value of your very existence. If you want to save your life and think only about yourself, you will end up losing it.



God know my true self


Jesus showed us a completely different path. That is the way to obey Jesus, to lose our lives for Jesus and for the Gospel, and by doing so, saving our lives. It is a way of life that entrusts to Jesus the value and meaning of our lives and existences.


By nature, my life is not owned by others, nor is it empowered by others, nor is its value decided by others. It is not decided by any group, society or nation of any kind. My life is given to none other than me. However, it is God who created and gave this life. Therefore, only God owns my life, empowers me, and sets its true value.


A German minister named Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote the poem "Who am I? They often tell me I would step from my cell’s confinement calmly, talk to my warden freely and friendly, bear the days of misfortune equably, smilingly and proudly.” In reality, he may be feeling restless, angry, quivering, depressed, and exhausted.


"Who am I?" He asks. "Am I a hypocrite before other, and before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling?" But in the end, he says: "Whoever I am, Thou knowest, O God, I am thine." (From "Resistance and Obedience")


I belong to God. Only God really knows who I am. No one can determine who I am, nor can they determine the value of my life. Not only can it not be done by anyone else, but I myself don't have to worry about it. Only the God who gave me life will do it.


And that God is the one shown in the image of Jesus Christ walking toward the cross. Jesus suffered a lot in this world, was rejected by people, crucified and killed. He was the one who lived with the suffering people in the world, felt the pain, ate with anyone, and was pleased with his life. The one who loves people, blesses their lives, and supports their existence owns my life and knows who I am.



You and I belong to God


Jesus said that he must not only be rejected and killed, but also be resurrected three days later, and be resurrected from death by God.


For God, death is not the end. God can raise a person from death. It does not mean returning to our present body, but even death cannot rob us from God.


In Christianity, reaching the end of a life is called "returning to God." When the physical life is over, we will return to God, who declared that all human life is "his".


Jesus has redeemed our lives. Through the cross of Jesus, God buys back the lives of all people to himself and invites them to himself.


Because "I belong to God," I can surrender to Jesus without losing my life. And because "I am also God's" and you and others are "God's", you are responsible for what you can bear for others. Because the cross is entrusted to me. And in the fellowship of those who live that way, you will be able to "see the kingdom of God coming with power." (9: 1)



Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama

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