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聖書:マタイによる福音書9章14~17節(聖書 新共同訳)
牧師:杉山 望
November 1st,2020 Sunday Service
"It is okay to be a bother to others"
Scripture reading taken from Matthew 9:14~17
Mourning in the form of fasting
In today's passage, Jesus is asking us about fasting. Some of you may have fasted, but probably no one is fasting on a daily basis. I have never fasted either. However, there aren’t many people who cannot comprehend fasting. This is because fasting is practiced in various religions.
So, what is fasting according to the Bible? It can be said that it is a way to communicate with God. By refusing to eat, one reveals that he is mourning and appeals to God, "Please help me for I am suffering."
Fasting means not eating things on your own initiative, but there are times one cannot intake food even if it isn’t their intention to fast. For example, when you are hit by a big disaster, or when you lose someone precious to you, food may get stuck in your throat. Fasting was an expression of such suffering and an appeal to God that you and your family are in need of help.
In Jewish society, there were other ways to express mourning besides fasting. For example, wearing sackcloth, which was a mourning dress at the time, and putting ashes on the head. If anyone expressed mourning in that way, his peers were required to help and help him and his family. The Jewish people expressed mourning because it was premised on the relationship that they would be helped if they complained about their suffering.
The mourning was directed toward the people around him, but above all, it was directed toward God. If the people around us can help us in times of difficulty, God can definitely do more than that. Fasting was premised on the relationship that you can ask for help when you are in pain, and God will always listen to and respond to your appeal.
Helping each other over being good
Jesus was asked about fasting.
"How is it that we (John’s disciples) and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?" (9:14)
Jesus was asked this question because Jesus' disciples did not fast, but I think the reason why the disciples did not fast is probably because Jesus himself did not fast. If Jesus, who was always with them, was fasting, the disciples would have fasted with him.
Given the situation in which such a question was asked, a very interesting contrast can be seen. In the paragraph starting at Mat 9: 9, Jesus invited Matthew, the tax collector, to his disciples and ate with those who were called tax collectors and sinners at Matthew's house. In other words, this question was directed to Jesus the moment he ate with people who were called tax collectors and sinners.
Both John's disciples and the Pharisees were devout Jews and often fasted. They must have believed that God would respond to their devotion. They were frustrated that Jesus had a meal with those who were called tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees thoroughly avoided contact with those who did not obey the law. John's disciples believed that if they did not obey the law, they would be judged and punished. For both of the parties, the tax collectors and sinners were beings who should be eliminated.
However, Jesus and his disciples ate with tax collectors and sinners. It may have been a simple meal, not a special banquet. But John's disciples and Pharisees were frustrated by such a meal fellowship. They wondered, "What is this Jesus, who does not fast, enjoys fellowship and eating with sinners and tax collectors, what is this unfaithfulness?"
They were enthusiastic people. However, their fasting deviated from their original purpose. It seems that some of them showed off to the people that they were fasting and showed how devout they were. These are the people who Jesus criticizes as "hypocrites" in Matthew 6:16 and below.
Also, those who fasted more than others were not the ones who were mourning more than others. Those who were called tax collectors and sinners would have suffered from a weaker social position than they did. But they did not mourn on the sinners’ behalf but abandoned such people.
What God wants us to do is to have a relationship that helps each other when there are people who mourn, rather than trying to be good. What Jesus has chosen was not to be evaluated, but to be with those who mourn and suffer.
The curse "Do not be a bother to others"
I don't think fasting is an expression of grief in Japanese society, but there are other ways to complain of suffering and ask for help. However, I sometimes feel that it is becoming more and more difficult to ask for help in this society.
The spread of the new coronavirus has had a major economic impact. The negative effects of the social distancing system tend to be concentrated in people with weak social positions, such as non-regular employees and foreign workers. Some of them have already been serious affected by this, but it seems that among them, many of them say that they don't like welfare support.
It seems that this is influenced by the lack of understanding of the welfare support system, the lack of understanding of the situation of the needy, and the remarks of politicians who have worsened the image of welfare support. At the same time, Japan's unique value of "don't bother people" may also have an effect.
Some people say that the phrase "don't bother others / do not cause trouble for others" is a curse. This word, which is repeatedly said by parents and other adults around us and is generally a bare minimum social etiquette, is overflowing in this society. Of course, society needs rules, and it is important to follow them. It is also precious that each person tries to become independent.
However, the word "don't be a bother" is often used in unclear context as in to what is done to who. As a result, we don't know what we need or why we shouldn't, and it's as if that if some people find it a "nuisance", this is automatically a bad thing to do. On the other hand, if you think that asking someone for help is also a "nuisance", that is also considered a bad thing. In that case, the phrase "don't bother people" breaks the connection between people and makes society dysfunctional.
And strangely enough, the curse "don't bother people" is usually spoken to vulnerable people and rarely said to stronger people and the majority. From another viewpoint, the phrase "don't bother people" is not a word that saves people, but a curse that threatens people's lives.
A new world where relationships have been regained
Jesus did not fast because he came to bring joy to those who were mourning. It's just like fasting and mourning at a wedding isn't right. If we know that Jesus hears our mourning, has fellowship with us, and knows that God remembers and loves us, will there be anyone who wants to fast?
Instead of keeping old customs and values, Jesus preached new teachings. New teachings cannot be aligned with the old or mixed into the old. If you wash an old shirt that has been patched with a new cloth, the new cloth will shrink and cause tears in the old shirt. Also, new wine is in a fermenting state, releasing fermentation gases, which causes expansion and breaks old leather bags. So new wine must be put in a new leather bag.
The gospel that Jesus taught and preached, the word and thoughts of God, can be heard anew for us today. However, the old teachings that goes against it may be because of the differences between the Jewish society at that time and our society. And I think that among those old teachings, one of them is the curse sentence, "Don't bother people."
People can ask for help when they are suffering or in trouble. God created humans on the premise of a relationship that helps each other. God himself accepts the request for help as a good thing and wants to respond to the grief of others. Jesus taught us that it is more important to listen to mourning and help each other than to be a "good person."
God does not say to us, "It's annoying." You can appeal to God for anything. What God and Jesus wants to create is not a lonely person who mourns, but a world where people are in fellowship, and people can help each other and at the same time cause trouble. It is a world that has regained its humanly relationships.
Believing in Jesus' words and being invited by those words, les us walk towards such a world. In addition, this church centred on Jesus will become a place to create such fellowship in society.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama