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使徒言行録3章1~10節(聖書 新共同訳)
October 11th,2020 Sunday Service
"A place to regain yourself"
Scripture reading taken from Acts 3:1~10
A man treated and handled like an object
It was recorded in the books of Acts what happened after Jesus died on the cross and his resurrection three days later. This includes the birth of the church and the missionary work of the apostles who inherited the work of Jesus. Today's passage is about what happened when the Christian church was just born, when the shape of the "church" was still unclear.
Peter and John were going up to the temple in Jerusalem and praying to God as they had been. Then, a man who was born lame was brought near the gate of the temple. He didn't just happen to be taken to the temple gate on this day. He was brought to the temple gate every day. Just because he brought to the temple does not mean he goes inside the temple and prays. He never entered the temple and was placed by the gate of the temple.
He was placed there to receive donations from those who came to the temple. The temple, where many people gather in the town, was also a place to go out in front of God and pray and make offerings. Such a place would have been the best place to receive even the slightest financial donations.
This handicapped man was placed by the temple gate every day. He couldn't walk on his own and he didn't have a wheelchair, so he probably had someone carry him. He wasn't seated there, but rather he was put there. He was not brought in politely and treated with dignity, but rather treated as if he were an object. He, who is completely helpless and has no choice but to receive donations to live, probably did not receive the treatment a human would. Ironically, contrary to where he was placed (Beautiful Gate), his days was probably filled with sorrow and mourning.
What the church does not have and what is entrusted
Peter and John passed by the gate of the temple where this man was. He looked at them and begged for money, as he did to others. Then Peter and John stared at him together and replied, "Look at us."
It is natural to expect something from them when they said, "Look at us". The lame man looked back at them with hope.
However, what was given to him there was unexpected. No, it was more than he expected. Peter responded:
"Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." (3: 6)
Having said that, Peter took the right hand of the lame man and helped him up. Immediately, the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. He expected for a small amount of money that was usually given to him by others, but what he was given was a liberation from what had captured him ever since he was born.
This event was experienced by the newly born church. It seems to show what the world the Christian church is facing, what kind of people it meets, and to show the world what kind of existence the church is.
In the world where the church was built, there are miseries, sorrows, and hardships. The world loses its original form created by God, and people repeatedly let go of their connection with God, break their bonds with their neighbours, and lose sight of themselves. It is a world where the power of sin that causes such things is at work. The church was established in a world where the blessing of God was deprived by the power of sin.
In such a world, the church does not have gold or silver. The newborn church had neither financial power nor any social power. If the church had that power, it can make a lot of charitable donations and can also provide emergency assistance. But that is not the first task of the Christian Church.
The only thing the church has and is entrusted to the church is the name of Jesus Christ. That's it. Compared to the social power that can be specifically exercised, the power given to the church may seem to be really weak, fragile, and unreliable. However, the name of Jesus has the power to make one person stand up, walk, and praise the name of God.
Ibasho (place of belonging) in an unrelated society
The word "unrelated society" is used to describe the current state of Japanese society. In this society, the various connections that have supported the society have changed drastically over the decades. Blood ties with family and relatives, ties created between neighbours in their respective lands, or company ties in companies connected by lifetime employment are all weakening. The weakening of ties began in urban areas, but the same trend is progressing in rural areas.
Unrelated society: In a society where the connection between people is weakening, isolation and loneliness become serious problems and spread like darkness that covers the society. The number of people who have lost their place and cannot find a place is increasing over generations. Our church is built in such a society.
Akira Ota says that there are two types of place of belonging, both of which are important to humans. One of them is called "social place", where you can feel that you are needed by others. At work, at school, at home or in various groups, I have a place and a role to be recognized by the people around me. Such a place is a social place.
Social sense of belonging gives you a sense of feel that you are needed, and not just having your name on the roster or your seat in the room. Being able to do something in the group, being accepted and acknowledged, makes you feel that you belong there.
Another place of belonging is called "personal place of belonging". Mr. Ota describes his place as "a place where you can regain yourself, a place where you can receive protection and be at peace."
Social belonging can be lost due to changes in life and society. Even then, if there is a personal place of belonging, one will be healed again there, regaining oneself, and embarking on an encounter with another social place of belonging.
However, if you lose this personal place, you are likely to have a negative chain of losing your social place. For example, a person who has been abused as a child is in a state of being deprived of his or her personal place-a place where he or she can regain himself with peace of mind. It's easy to lose your place. There is also a negative chain in which when a person becomes a parent, he or she also becomes abusive and can no longer be a personal place for the child.
Creating a place to live is an important issue in an unrelated society where isolation and loneliness are widespread. There needs to be a social place to be given responsibility and approved, but with it-or even more-a personal place where you can regain yourself with peace of mind.
Church built in the name of Jesus
For that lame man, his place of belonging was near the temple gate where he was placed every day. It was his only social place, and his role was to get a small amount of money. But he may not have had a personal place. I can only try to imagine what kind of place his home was for him, in which he may not have been able to feel at ease especially when he was carried like an object. Above all, I think he was in a situation where he has lost himself.
Peter and John raised him in the name of Jesus Christ. There, the lame legs were strengthened and able to walk, but that does not only mean that the disability has been removed. He stood up, walked around, and danced, praising God and entering the temple grounds with them.
He was able to get a place of belonging. Furthermore, he got that place under the protection of God and got a place to regain himself. That is why he did not go home immediately but went into the temple and praised God. He has regained himself. It is the original form created by God, a figure that is connected with God and connects with neighbours.
The gospel of Jesus has the power to regain ourselves. Jesus, a Nazareth man, preached the gospel to those who lost their place and gave God's blessing. Where Jesus was, people were able to regain themselves with peace of mind. I think that one of the missions of the church established in the name of Jesus Christ is to become one of the human places in the established society.
The church does not have the power that comes along with possessing gold or silver. But the church is entrusted with the name of Jesus Christ. We stand up in the name of Jesus and live according to Jesus. And we will testify in this society our way of living, become a place for people to live with Jesus, and create a place blessed by God to regain ourselves.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama