マタイによる福音書7章7~12節、24~28節(聖書 新共同訳)
September 20th,2020 Sunday Service
"An unwavering and stable foundation"
Scripture reading taken from Matthew 7:7~12, 24~28
Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders
The end of the so-called "Sermon on the Mount (The Beatitudes)" (Matthew 5-7), which Jesus spoke on the mountain, is closed with a parable. It is the parable of the “Wise and Foolish builders”. Two people built a house. The houses they built are similar. However, the place where the house was built was different. One built his house on a rock. And the other built a house on the sand. Those who build houses on rocks are called wise people, and those who build houses on sand are called foolish people.
The reason why they were called that way becomes clear when it rains. Israel has a dry season and a rainy season, and the dry season was the time to build a house. When the house was completed and the rainy season began, water began to flow into the river. When it rains a lot, the water of the river overflows and floods the newly built house. An even stronger wind began to blow and struck the house.
How about then? The house built on the rock survived the floods and strong winds and continued to stand firmly. Because it was based on rocks. However, the house built on the sand collapsed when the water and wind struck. The way it collapsed was terrible and it was not easy to recover.
The importance of foundation work, which is the foundation of home building, has not changed. The foundation of the house will no longer be visible after the house is completed, but the foundation is the one that supports the entire house, and if it is solid, it will be a strong house. By laying the foundation on a solid ground, the foundation will become the centre of the house without shaking.
This "parable of the Wise and Foolish builder" concludes the Sermon on the Mount and conveys the importance of listening carefully to the words of Jesus spoken there and trying to live according to those teachings. By building your own existence and life on the basis of the words of Jesus, you can withstand the storms of this world.
Beginning of foundation building
When trying to build on the words of Jesus, especially the words of the Sermon on the Mount, which words should we pay attention to first? Some of them teach you "don't get angry", "don't take revenge", or "love your enemies".
They are also important and lay the groundwork, but it is not advisable to pay attention to them first. If you focus only on those teachings, it may checklist of things that you have to keep. Before you know it, you may think that you have a legalistic attitude, and if you can keep it, you will pass, and if you can't keep it, you will be disqualified. If you do so, you will be more conscious of your actions rather than God, and you will not be able to lay a solid foundation.
It's one possibility, but I think it's best to pay attention to the words in chapters 7: 7-12. In verse twelve, there is also a word called the "golden rule," which summarizes the ethical teachings spoken so far. Because of this, I think that when you base yourself on the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, you can start by paying attention to the words of Jesus in verses 7 to 12.
God gives us good things
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receivers; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."(7: 7-8)
This is not a vague request. God gives good things to those who ask him. Ask God, look for God, and knock on God's gate. In other words, this is a prayer to God. God responds to our prayers.
However, that does not mean that all our desires can be fulfilled. God is not the kind of person who gives us what we want, like vending machines. Thinking that way is to idolize God and use God's name for yourself, which is the opposite of what Jesus taught.
Jesus explained that God can answer prayers as follows.
"Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give hima snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"(7: 9-11)
From here, we can see that what we ask for and what God gives us is what we really need. Bread and fish were the basic diets of the time. When we seek what we need to live and what is essential, God responds to that prayer and gives us good things.
If our children and loved ones are desiring things essential for living, there is no way that we would deny them their needs. We don't give stones when they asked for bread. We make mistakes and we are selfish, but we still know how to give good things to our special ones. If so, God cannot be someone who does not give good things.
God is the one who "causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous" (5:45). We can be bad and good. But God always causes the sun to rise and sends rain to us. God loves us. That love is directed at us, no matter who we are, never changing, unwavering.
God's love decisively appeared on the cross of Jesus. God will never lose his love for us, even if he is torn apart. Losing even one of us is unbearably painful and sad, and therefore willing to rescue us at all costs. Every single person for God is an expensive and precious being, an irreplaceable and important being.
Bonds that are tied by asking and being given
If you grow up and try to apply the fact that you ask, and you will be given, to your own life, you may think that it is difficult to do so. But this was something everyone should experience at the beginning of life. We were born and raised in the form of babies who have no choice but to commit ourselves to on the receiving side. We were able to live because the idea of "ask and it will be given" held true, and it was the very first lesson we learned in our lives.
In many cases, we hardly remember our childhood experience. But that experience has had a huge influence on our lives. It's as if the foundation of a house becomes invisible after it's been built, but that foundation remains an important part of supporting the house. I don't remember experiencing "ask and it will be given" at the beginning of my life, but it's deeply engraved in me.
The experience of being given if asked creates a stable bond with that special person (father, mother, etc.). That bond allows people to believe that they are important. By forming that bond, you can have a sense of self-affirmation.
Furthermore, that bond can also be an evacuation site in case of emergency. Trauma is less likely to remain even after experiencing dangerous situation, and resistance to anxiety and stress is built. Like the foundation that supports the house from the shadows, the bonds that are created by the relationship of “asking and receiving” protects and supports people.
However, unfortunately, not all people are given such a bond. Many people have grown up with the experience of not being given even if they ask, not finding even if they are searching, and being unable to refused even if they knock on the gate. In recent years, it is said that such people are increasing.
People who could not form a bond cannot have a sense of self-affirmation, are vulnerable to anxiety and stress, and are more likely receive trauma from a crisis situation. Not only the weakness of the mind, but also the immune function is weakened, and it is easy to get sick. It makes it difficult to live in various ways, and it is easy to have problems in relationships with people.
No matter how advanced the world is, people still need this kind of bond. Even if you ask for various things and are given, it is not a substitute for this bond. This problem may be related to the difficulty and suffering of modern people.
Based on the bond with God
God will make this bond with us, the bond that is formed by asking and being given. The bond that people make may become unstable, but the bond that God makes with us is an unwavering bond. That is the foundation of peace of mind that supports us.
God is saying, "Ask me, and I will give you good things." And surely God responds to our prayers and gives us good things. It may be a little different from the image we were looking for. Or it may be a different timing than you were hoping for. However, it does not mean that God did not hear our prayers.
God "knows what you need before you asked" (6: 8). Therefore, God will respond to our demands in the right way when it is right for us. When we are hit by a storm, God will be our refuge and protect us.
God never shakes. I would like to base ourselves on the words that God invites us, the words of the promise that "ask, and you will be given."
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama