






























































September 13th,2020  Sunday Service

"Jesus will not read the atmosphere"

Scripture reading taken from Mark 2:13~17


Separation by Pharisees


There are many places where Jesus ate with someone. What surprised many of them was having a meal with tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees in particular objected to this. They probably hated Jesus for eating with tax collectors and sinners. At that time, eating together meant having the same ideas and values as the person, and being a companion. So, it was unthinkable for the Pharisees to eat with tax collectors and sinners.


The Pharisees were a group of Judaism at the time, who strictly adhered to the rules. They made various rules not only in the law of the Bible, but also in their daily lives. They became the "correct people" to protect it and tried to earn God's salvation. At the same time, they were trying to separate those who couldn't follow the rules from themselves and socially eliminate them.


Both the tax collectors and the so-called sinners were labelled as bad people by the Pharisees and abandoned by Jewish society. For the Pharisees, eating with them is equivalent to be like them, incorrect and abandoned by society. That was unthinkable for them. 


Therefore, when Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners, they were not only confused, but also disgusted and questioned Jesus' disciples. "Why does Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners?"


Here, the separation of the "right person" and the "bad person" from the Pharisee's point of view appears, and the question of which side are you in in Jesus’ eyes is being posed to you.



"Atmosphere/Air" that dominates Japan - Reading the atmosphere/air/mood


What can you think of if you try to replace this separation in modern Japan? Japanese society does not have the "law" of Jewish society at that time. However, even in Japanese society, the "right person" and the "bad person" are separated. It is not a written law, but a separation by "atmosphere/air".


In 1977, a person named Shichihei Yamamoto published a book called "Study of ‘Air’ ". In it, Mr. Yamamoto argues that "air" has a great influence on the Japanese people and Japanese society and controls the behaviour of the Japanese people. This is still be essentially the same even now. About 10 years ago, the word "KY" (cannot read the air/atmosphere) was used among young people. It is learned and spread that it is important to read the air in Japan, regardless of age or gender.


Mr. Yamamoto said that "the most basic standard for Japanese people to make collective decisions" is air, and this “standard of judgment” is very strong and has almost absolute control in most situations. In Jewish society in the time of Jesus, I think that such a standard was the Bible, but in modern Japan, "air" is the judgment standard that has absolute control.


However, "air" does not consist of fixed rules like the Bible. It is not consistent and varies from situation to situation. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand, but when you live in Japan, you will learn to read the air the moment you get the hang of it. And when they don't read the air or resist it, they are called "mavericks", "ostracized", and even socially buried. In Japanese society, a power was born to eliminate those who oppose "air".


Even during this corona crisis, I sometimes felt the power of "air." The fact that wearing masks and refraining from various activities has spread even though there is no legal requirement or sufficient guarantee may be the proof that the air, "I must not spread the infection", is expanding. On the other hand, hunting down number plates from other prefectures and the slandering infected people and groups that produced infected people may have been a reaction to this violation of the air.


The Pharisees separate people according to the law and the rules based on it, striving to be the "right person", and labelling those who deviate from the Law as "bad people" and ostracizing them. On the other hand, in Japan, though there is no such law, "right person" and "bad person" are separated and excluded based on the "air" created by the general public. doing. Of course, the Law in the time of Jesus and the air in Japan are completely different and cannot be compared as they are. Still, when we consider the issue of separation that the Pharisees have made as our matter, I think it is necessary to focus on the "air."



God does not separate 


The behaviour of Jesus was unintelligible and unforgivable for the Pharisees, who divided people into "right people" and "bad people." Jesus had a different perspective from the Pharisees, but what was the difference?


This event began when Jesus invited the tax collector Levi to be his disciples. Levi was invited by Jesus to obey him and invited him to his house, and perhaps also invited his fellow tax collectors and sinners with whom he had a connection to eat with him.


Tax collectors were collecting taxes in Rome, which ruled Israel at the time. To become a tax collector, one had to prepay the taxes they were planning to collect to Rome. If they failed to collect, they would be in debt, and if that debt piled up, they would have risked themselves being put in prison or even sold as slaves. Their position was weak, and sometimes they were taken advantage of, and only a small number of people made a lot of money. Many of the tax collectors were wanderers who couldn't find another job, because of that they had little to no choice and ended up as a tax collector. They were at the bottom rung of the Jewish society.


Moreover, they were considered as co-operators of the enemy nation, lost their social status, and lost their place in the community, just like those called "sinners." They were weak people. They were economically and socially weak, and even in faith, they were excluded as "bad people" by the Pharisees.


Jesus ate with those who were considered "bad people" and those who were made weak by the society’s standard. Jesus ate and became friends with them because they were cut off, deprived of places where they could feel at ease, no longer have any relationships they could turn to for help, and driven to the bottom or the periphery of society. 


"Healthy people don’t need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners." (2:17)


Jesus came not for the Pharisees of the time, who were strong with a solid position and connection, who had a safe place and were sure of their connection with God. Instead, those who have a bad reputation in the world, those who have been abandoned, those who do not have a place to rest and who do not even feel a connection with God-yes, it is for such people that Jesus has come.


It is because God, for not even one moment, has let go of those who have been weakened, those who have been driven away, those who have become unpopular and abandoned, and instead still love them and think of them as important. The Pharisees were eager to keep the law, but misunderstood it at its core. God did not divide people into "right people" and "bad people." God wanted us to love one another, continue to connect with God and face God at all times.



Jesus will not read the air


Jesus knew the law well and knew the rules that the Pharisees followed. However, for Jesus, keeping the tradition and being liked by the Pharisees is not important at all. The important thing is that God loves us, and to let us know that He will continue to love us even if we forget that we are loved, and when we can't even love ourselves. If it is necessary for that purpose, Jesus will ignore certain rules.


If such Jesus were in Japan today, what kind of person would he look like? There is no law in Japan, but there is an ‘air’ that governs Japan. The air makes some people "mavericks," separated from their peers, and excluded. We can be trapped in the air, and we can be threatened by the rule of the air.


Jesus may be the person who can read the air more than anyone else. This is because Jesus understands the hearts of people well. However, Jesus will definitely be categorized as KY (Not being able to read the air). That is because Jesus ignores the air and tries to be friends with those who are weakened or who are said to be "bad." Jesus does not save himself. Because he came to this world to save us and all.


Jesus invited the tax collector, Levi, to become his disciple by saying, "Follow me." Levi, who was sitting at the tax office, stood there and followed Jesus. Following Jesus is also a laborious path. However, Jesus will be with us on that path. It's a place to remember that God, who will welcome us any time and will never let go of us, breaks his heart for us and loves us. It is a place that keeps our hearts and souls safe.


Jesus, who will not read the air for our sakes, calls on us as well. "Follow me."



Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama