August 22nd,2020 Sunday Service
"A new lifestyle – Love your enemies"
Scripture reading taken from Matthew 5:43~48
A truly new lifestyle
Some of the teachings of Jesus feel unacceptable. Among them, the teaching of "love your enemies" may be one of the teachings with the most resistance. It wasn’t just us, the people in the time of Jesus were also surprised and confused by this teaching. Because they were previously ordered to "love their neighbours and hate their enemies."
"Love your neighbours and hate your enemies" may have been common wisdom now and in the past. However, Jesus turns it around 180 degrees and invites us to a new life based on "loving your enemy." The foreignness of this teaching has not been lost at all. Just as people 2000 years ago were surprised and confused by this teaching, we are confused by it as well.
"Love your enemies" is a new lifestyle from Jesus. Speaking of "new lifestyles", there’s one in which new practices was incorporated into our lives in response to the spread of the new coronavirus. The word social distance was created, disinfectant was placed everywhere, masks and hand washing became routine, and telework was introduced in some places. Churches have also expanded to include online and home worship. Perhaps it's already a given to practice such lifestyles.
However, these are not so new compared to the teachings of Jesus. Most of them have already existed in certain places and have only become more widespread due to certain circumstances. Though it may feel unfamiliar at first when brought it into our lives, but in about a year or so, that way of life would no longer be something we would call as "new".
The teaching of Jesus is still a "new teaching" even 2000 years after it was first told. We, and most of us, are still trapped in the lifestyle of "loving our neighbours and hating our enemies". For the us who are still trapped, this teaching of "loving your enemies" is still an invitation to a new lifestyle. That is why we must treat this teaching as something new to us now. Jesus is now inviting us to a new lifestyle. Do you want to respond to the invitation? Or will you close your ears?
Not by emotion, but by getting involved
What is an “enemy”? The crowd that gathered to hear Jesus' teaching was mostly farmers. The closest thing to enemies to them were those who undermine the honour of themselves and their family, robbed their land, and tore up their family. It was the Roman Empire and its troops, Jewish rulers and millionaires, and those who served them.
Jesus is not asking me to have affection for my enemies - those who oppress and exploit me in various ways. Because “love” and “hate” in the Bible do not refer to the emotions we have when we think of the words love and hate. In the Bible, "love" and "hate" refer to behaviour, not emotion.
In the Bible, "loving" means "engaging with a group or individual." So, for example, "loving your neighbour as yourself" means being as involved with your neighbour as you are with your family. At that time, you may or may not have affection for the other person. Even if you have no affection, or rather disgust, if you are involved in the person, it is "loving."
Similarly, disgust does not matter when "hate". "Hate" in the Bible is to leave a group or become indifferent to someone. Mother Teresa said, "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference," and that's exactly biblical language and thinking. When called to love your enemies, what is asked of you is not affection, but interest and involvement.
Pray for your enemies
Mother Teresa also talks about what it means to be indifferent.
"The greatest human suffering and misery is the despair that makes us feel that we are abandoned by all, that we are irrelevant. When people become indifferent to him, he falls into the lowest category of a poor man."
This is an important point, one that I become negligent in. We must remember the importance of concern and involvement with those who are abandoned. However, though it is important for those who are in a blessed position to have interest in the poor and the abandoned, "loving your enemy" is more challenging, and God is inviting us to take up that challenge.
It is difficult for anyone to be interested and involved in the other person when they are under oppression and exploitation of that person. It may look like we are being asked to tolerate the violence of our enemy.
When Jesus said, "love our enemies," he did not mean that we should respond with a smile even when we are violently treated by our enemies. It is natural to be angry and seek justice for various violence such as oppression and exploitation. God is also angry at such violence. To love an enemy is not tolerating violence or tolerating oppression or exploitation.
Jesus said this.
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (5:44)
To love an enemy, to be interested and involved in the person who became my enemy, is to pray for that person. I think Nelson Mandela, who became the first black president in South Africa, loved his enemy. He was arrested and imprisoned for national treason at the age of 45 and lived in prison for 27 years. There are such episodes left about him.
"In the beginning he was angry and filled with hatred for the prison officers, but after a while he began to properly look at the prison officers, and began to wonder why white people persecute them, wonder whether or not they hated every black people. Because of that, he started learning the Afrikason language, which was popular among white people."
Mr. Mandela learned the language of white people in order to pay attention to and be involved with the white people who were the enemies of the black people. After jailed, Mandela said:
"I knew as well as I knew anything that the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed. A man who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness."
"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."
Mr. Mandela, who became interested in the white people who were his enemies and became involved, did not tolerate interracial injustice and violence. "The suppressed and the suppressor must be released." "If you can learn to hate, you can also learn to love." Wasn't his word a prayer to those who were enemies?
Become a child of God who loves our enemy
When Jesus commands us to “love our enemies,” the basis of the reason is the true nature of God. Because God loves our enemies, we are also commanded to love them.
” He (God) causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (5:45)
We are sometimes bad people and sometimes good people. Sometimes we can be the right person, but without a doubt, we have been the wrong person. God loved us even when we did not obey God and kept our ears closed. He has never turned away from any of us, never cut of his connection with us, but rather offered us, sinners, his all.
Loving an enemy is not a way to make our enemies into allies. Sometimes that can happen, but not always. Jesus was crucified not just for those who were willing to be changed, but for those who did not change as well. God is the one who loves us without cost, and who loves us even when we are his enemy.
We love our enemies because we are children of God.
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heave. " (5:44-45)
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (5:48).
We are invited to imitate Jesus. It's not that we are perfect like God, but that we are part of God's perfection. To become a child of God is to imitate Jesus and reflect God's love little by little. Since God creates all people in the image of God and loves all people free of charge, we also become children of God who reflect that love of God, and are invited to love our enemies.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.” (5:9)
The common sense of "loving your neighbours and hating your enemies" that still captures many people is creating hostility and division everywhere. In such a world, God is seeking those who reflect God's love, Christians who are willing to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. They are called the children of God, the devotees who make peace, and Jesus calls them the "blessed ones."
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama