July 26th,2020 Sunday Service
"Overcoming social isolation with deeds"
Scripture reading taken from James 2:14~26
Japan with a lot of social isolation
The new coronavirus infection is spreading again in Japan. Although no "emergency declaration" has been issued yet, there is likely a growing sense of tension, especially at medical institutions that have been at the forefront of corona response.
The problem caused by the spreading of the coronavirus infection is not only health problems, but also various social problems. These social problems aren’t new. These social problems that have existed so far is brought to the spotlight due to the corona. One of them is the problem of “isolation” and “loneliness”.
Japan is a country with a high rate of social isolation. According to a survey by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), Japan had the highest rate of social isolation. One of the factors is "lack of belonging". There are many people in Japan who do not have a connection with society or a bond with others other than their workplaces or families.
Isolation and loneliness are serious problems not only for the mind and soul but also for welfare. In Japan, the policy of "Japanese-style welfare society" has continued for over 40 years. This is a policy that makes companies and families responsible for social welfare. In other words, when individual independence and self-help is not enough, companies and families will support to make up for it.
However, employment conditions have changed drastically, and companies are no longer responsible for welfare. Subsequently, the structure of the family has changed significantly as well. Some people do not have a family in the first place or are not in a relationship where they can cry out for help. As a result, being in isolation and loneliness means that you could not get the help you need when you are suffering or in trouble.
The problem of isolation is exposed in various ways, such as lonely death of the elderly, abuse of children, and homelessness. There are potentially more and more isolation issues. “Isolation” is one of the major and serious problems that the economically rich Japan is facing.
Church is connected to society
On the other hand, some people have raised the issue that the church is isolated from society and the community. It could be seen from the fact that there are no newcomers, the “evangelism” of the church is not progressing, the average age of the church members are gradually increasing, and there are some churches whose survival is threatened due to lack of members. Hence, the theme of "the church opens to the community (society)" is being talked about.
The purpose of the theme is not to attract people to the church. If it is done for the purpose of maintaining and preservation of the church, it will be less fruitful and nothing new will be born in essence. Now is a good time to re-question about the original mission of the church.
One of the missions of the church is to convey the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus bore our sins on the cross and made us children of God. Through Jesus, we are invited to enter into fellowship with God, and we recover the original "shape", shape in the likeness of God. It is the mission of the church to share that gospel and be happy together.
However, there are some reflections that the mission of the church is not just to convey the gospel in words. One person says: "Of course, we need to preach with words and speak the gospel. At the same time, we need to do good work in society and work with love and mercy. They are not the same, but God values both of these and we have to combine them into one."
When Jesus preached the Gospel, he said, "The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!" Then, he interacted with the people, and there, he made the kingdom of God visible. The first church that was formed was not just a community of faith, but a community that was tied to life. The church is not limited to the individual soul. Rather from the beginning, the church was connected to society.
Faith with deeds
The most famous of today's passages is the words of verse twenty-four.
"You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone."
This was written in mind of what Paul wrote to Roman followers. Paul wrote in his letter:
"For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law." (Romans 3:28).
This is called "faith justification theory". Until then, in Judaism, it was believed that by observing the law, God would be able to recognize and serve salvation. However, Paul thought that the conduct of the Law was not a necessary condition for salvation.
Jesus crucified and bore everyone’s sins. There is no conditions or prerequisite. God did not apply any conditions when he made people as good, breathe life into people and loved them. Even if we don't know God or betray him, God's love for us will never change. That is what it means "by faith, not by deeds of the law."
Even Jacob's letter does not deny that. It does not change that God does not only love those who do good deeds or those who do special deeds. However, someone must have interpreted Paul's words conveniently. Some Christians say, "I have faith, so I don't have to do anything. I don't need to do anything. I will speak and preach, but I don't need to do anything anymore."
In response to that, some strict words are cast.
" 14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” (2:14-16)
Furthermore, he says, "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." (verse 26).
Living faith involves actions. That deed is not for your own salvation. It is a response to God's free love, imitating Jesus and following Jesus. Through that faith, the kingdom of God is represented in the world. The gospel of Jesus is transmitted by both words and actions. Taking action is not a precondition of being loved by God. But with the work of faith, we can truly share the joy of the gospel and know the kingdom of God that Jesus has transmitted and expressed.
Overcoming the Church’s Isolation
These verses were directed to individual Christians. However, at the same time, I think we can take this verse as for the church. In other words, the church also needs faith with deeds. I think that deed is a social activity rather than an activity in the church.
As an example of what is done at this place, it is mentioned that people who have neither clothes to wear nor things to eat are given what they need. It is not a matter of heart or soul, but a matter of living, a social act. Although the subject is referred to as "brothers or sisters," the brothers and sisters of the church is probably the people living in the same region and society.
Of course, it is necessary for the church to use words to preach. If you neglect it and only the work remains, it is no longer a church. However, along with that, it is also necessary to serve the region and society where the church is located with love and mercy to represent the kingdom of God.
That is not to say, "Belief is first and deeds are second, so if you can afford it, do it." Faith and deeds are intertwined, like two wheels of a car, inseparable. By telling the gospel and simultaneously performing the gospel, the church conveys the kingdom of God to this region and society, and also represents the kingdom of God.
In the history of Kanazawa Church, there must be a history of faith and deeds. Megumi Kindergarten is an example. In addition to telling the gospel in words, the church practices the gospel through daily childcare.
Reconnecting faith and deeds will not lead to isolation of the church, rather it will connect the church to the community and society. At the same time, tackling the social isolation problem the same way Jesus did when he revealed the kingdom of God while living together with his people.
Currently, it is difficult to start something due to the influence of corona, but let's remember that the mission of the church is to spread the faith along with good deeds. And let us pray together to ask God for direction on what kind of deeds our church should do. We may not be able to do big things. It may be impossible to cover all areas, but let us joyfully walk down this path knowing well that God will make full use of it.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama