May 31st,2020 Sunday Service
"My Word is being spoken"
Scripture reading taken from Acts 2:1~13
Today is the Pentecost. The Pentecost, also known as "The Day the Holy Spirit descent" in Japanese, is a day to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples after the resurrected Jesus was raised to heaven. For the church, it's as important as Christmas and Easter.
What happened on this day? After Jesus was resurrected from the death on the cross, he appeared to his disciples in a span of 40 days. During those days, Jesus was saying, "You will soon be baptized by the Holy Spirit" (1: 5) when he was eating with his disciples.
After Jesus was raised to heaven, Shavuot (The Feast of Weeks), one of the three major Jewish festivals, came. Many Jews from all over the world come to the Temple of Jerusalem for pilgrimages during these three festivals. There are documents that the number of pilgrims has reached millions, so it seems that so many people were gathering in Jerusalem on that day as well.
In Jerusalem on such a festival, the disciples were gathering at a house. If the members were the same as in Acts 1:13-14, there were Peter, John, Jacob, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomae, Matthew, Jacob the son of Al-Fay, Simon the Zealot, Judas son of Jacob, the women who followed Jesus, Mary the Mother of Jesus and the Brothers of Jesus. These people joined together constantly in prayer. (1:14).
Then, suddenly, a sound like a violent wind came from heaven. The sound echoed throughout the house, so the people in the house could only hear the sound of heavy wind. What came after that was something visible to the eyes. What seemed to be tongues of fire appeared. In the Bible, fire purifies humans. "Tongue" also means words. So here, the words that purify humans appeared in a visible form.
The "tongues of flames" that appeared came to rest on each those who gathered. Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and each spoke in the language of another country as the Spirit enabled them.
The people who were gathering in Jerusalem heard this noise and came together. Then everyone heard the words of their hometown. The people who gathered were all Jews, but the people lived in different parts and spoke different languages. They were surprised when they heard the Galileans speaking the language of their homeland. "Why are the Galileans talking about God in our own words?"
After this, Peter told the people who had gathered about Jesus, and about 3,000 people joined that day. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost, also known as the birth of the Christian Church.
At Pentecost, the people who gathered were surprised and bewildered because the people of Galilee were speaking the words that were native to their hometown. If it were different people, it might not have been so surprising. What was Galilee and how were the Galileans viewed?
Galilee is a small area to the west of Lake Galilee that is in the north of Palestine. If you see from the southern Jewish region including Jerusalem, it is further north of Samaria in the north. Galilee is also a land where Jews lives, but geographically far from Judah.
Galilee was also an area where merchants passes through as they travel from town to town. Since Galilee is located at the point connecting the present Middle East, Europe, and Africa, the surrounding countries have always tried to put Galilee under control for economic and military purposes. Also, in Palestine, where there are a lot of wastelands, conflicts have been repeated many times in an attempt to steal the rich harvest of the agricultural products from Galilee.
Palestine in the 1st century AD was an agricultural society during the time of Jesus. More than 90% of the population lived in rural areas and lived mainly through agriculture. Some fisherman or carpenter, but most of them were farmers.
On the other hand, in a large town like Jerusalem, there lived nobles, political powers, millionaires and merchants and owners of many lands. To such people, Galilee is a remote area far from the center. Galilee is far from Jerusalem, so it is difficult for Galileans to pilgrimage to the temple. Galilee was considered economically poor, lacking military power, and religiously out of the center.
The Galilee people cultivated the land with the help of their entire family and devised farmland to produce crops. Villagers have helped each other, cooperated, and exercised their survival knowledge. However, it is not uncommon for people to incur large debts due to economic exploitation by people living in the city and poor harvest due to bad weather. At such times, they sold their lands and lived at the bottom of society as a slave and day laborer.
Not just that, in order to reduce debt, family members were sold in ascending order in terms of age. Poverty was a major threat to the daughters of the household as young women were the first to go in the family. The Galileans were also at the mercy of injustice and unfairness, at the mercy of great power.
In it, however, the Galileans fought desperately in the land of Galilee, resisting power from the outside. Through various oppressions, exploitation, and discrimination, the faith that awaits the coming God's justice and the kingdom of God was strengthened. Perhaps because of the faith that lies in that soil, Jesus preached the gospel in Galilee, and his disciples followed.
A vessel that conveys the word of God
One of the surprising points of the Pentecost is that the Holy Spirit descended upon the Galileans. In other words, it is a surprise that the Galileans who are thought as poor, uneducated and insignificant by those who are in power, are speaking about God in various languages. When they say, "he’s a Galilean", they are not just pointing at his hometown, they are also implying negative things like his words is not wroth listening to or the like.
However, God chose these Galileans. God, who sent Jesus to be a person from Nazareth in Galilee, let theses Galileans to be the first to speak about God. It was a miracle of Pentecostal that it purified and gave the words to be spoken through those who would not be considered excellent in the world.
The disciples were not given power or special education. They were still Galileans and their usual language was the Galilean dialect. God did not change the Galileans who followed Jesus into other people. They weren’t raised to a social position, nor do they have special abilities. They were chosen as the Galileans they are, as vessels to convey the word of God.
Suddenly speaking the language of a different country is a surprising event. But here it is also surprising to say that God has chosen those who seemed insignificant and those who live far from the center. God's choice is done in a way that is completely different from the common sense of society. The word of God is entrusted to and passed on to those who live in God's grace and mercy.
Sharing in our own languages
Pentecost is also called the church’s birthday. The church speaks the word of God, and the events of Pentecost tell us how it is done.
At the beginning, the disciples "came together as one" (2: 1). The church is built when different people come together. But there is more than one church. To the disciples who were gathered together, a fiery tongue "separated and came to rest on each of them" (2: 3). This shows that the gifts given are not the same, but different people received different gifts.
The church is a gathering of individuals who live together as a group. Not everyone is the same, but by being united by faith, the gifts given by God are put to use. While looking up at the same God, the richness of the church is demonstrated where diversity is put to good use.
The words that such a church conveys are not limited to pastor’s words. The pastor will study at the seminary for his work and continue his daily learning. However, the ones who can convey the words of God are not limited to only those who went to the seminary. Just as the Holy Spirit fell on each of the disciples in Pentecost, God gives words to each person who gathers in the church, and everyone is used as a vessel to convey God with each word.
If you think "I can't tell you about God", that's a big mistake. That is the thinking of those who were surprised on Pentecost Day. We are all given the Holy Spirit and can speak about God in the words we are given. The Holy Spirit gives us the words to speak. Therefore, we talk about God in any language. I'm sure there are people who when they hear your words, they will think "He is talking about God."
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama