「知れ、主こそ神であると。 主はわたしたちを造られた。
May 10th,2020 Sunday Service
"Know that the Lord is God"
Scripture reading taken from Psalms 100:1~5
The theme and Bible verse for 2020
In Kanazawa Baptist Church, every year during the annual general meeting, we would discuss and select the theme along with the Bible verse for the year. However, this year we could not hold the AGM, therefore we got everyone to send in their votes through letter. As our Baptist church is a church that places importance in democratic values, the general meeting is an important event to us. However, in the current situation, we decided to hold it off until the situation has calmed down.
The theme and Bible verse for the year is as follows.
Theme for the year 2020: Serve the Lord with joyfulness
Bible verse: Psalms 100:1-2
“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”
The reason this theme and scripture was suggested is as the church welcomes a new pastor, let our hearts unite as one as we move forward together with joyfulness. The church is not a church because of the pastor, but because of everyone. Let us proactively serve the Lord with joyfulness and take a new step forward together with Kanazawa Baptist Church.
Invitation to worship, waiting expectantly for worship
In this year’s Bible verse, Psalm 100, there is a small note in the beginning of the chapter, “A psalm. For giving grateful praise.” This psalm was written as a thanksgiving song to God. It was a song used to invite people to worship God as well as to encourage the people who are gathered in the temple (a place people gather to worship God). They sing this song as they pass through the gates of the temple and as they enter the temple’s garden. It could also be used as a call to worship where they listen to the song while preparing their hearts for worship. I can imagine how it was like back in that time.
I received 2 messages from this psalm. One is the invitation to worship the Lord God even if we are not gathered in the same place. This psalm was sung as they entered the temple, but worship is not limited to temples and churches. Even in that time’s Israel, daily worships were offered in the towns and villages where they lived. We are also doing the same as them, offering worship in our houses. This psalm is emphasizing on the call to worship regardless of where we are or where the worship is held.
Nevertheless, the desire to gather together and offer worship grows stronger. As previously stated, this song was mostly sung as they enter the gates of the temple, but there are probably some who only visit the temple once a year. Those who sang this song were also looking forward to the day where they can go to the temple and worship with the others. Though we are separated, this psalm strengthens the desire to worship together. And I believe that overlaps with our thoughts.
We continue to worship God even if we cannot meet in Church. Nevertheless, I still look forward to the day when we will meet again in church and worship together. If our thoughts are the same, then this psalm is suitable for us.
The world will serve the Lord
Let’s take a closer look at the contents of the Psalm. The characteristics of this Psalm is that it repeatedly gives out callings. First, it calls us to welcome the Lord God as the King of the world.
“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”
To welcome the Lord as King also means that we serve the Lord. It short, we are praising the Lord, listening to His word, responding to His call, and walking down the path He prepared for us.
The interesting part is that this call is being made to “the whole earth”. In other words, it is a call to every human in this world to welcome the Lord as King, shout for joy to the Lord, and to serve the Lord.
The fact that this Psalm calls on the whole earth to serve the Lord does not mean that Christians should go and conquer the world. It is not the rule of man, but the rule of the Lord. Political and religious authority is not made so that you can rule over another human being.
When the word come to pass, many people will worship the Lord and various people will gather there. They are the ones who will serve the Lord and hope that the Lord’s will be done on this world. I believe that seeking God’s will from each our standpoint and responding accordingly will lead to the world serving the Lord.
The Lord, the shepherd, is God
In Psalm 100:3, we are instructed to know who our Lord is.
“Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100:3
The first thing we need to know is that the Lord is God. The Bible tells us that the Lord is the one true God, and that the Lord is our one and only God.
Following that is the work of creation by the Lord. The Lord created us. The Lord, the one true God, created this world, created humans and gave them life. We are called to know that we are all created by the Lord, and that He is our creator.
We are his because He created us. But that does not mean we are God’s property. The verse is also stating that we are no one’s property. The declaration that we are his is not just because there was slavery at that time, it is also to reject the deprivation of freedom, deprivation of thoughts, and the fixation of the value of human lives. We can say that we belong to Him because we were created by Him.
When we say we are His, we are in fact saying that we are a flock of sheep fed by the Lord. The Lord poured in His heart and love into our lives and leads us down the right path. It is like a shepherd feeding and guiding a flock of sheep. By declaring that we are His, God is responsible for our lives and takes good care of us.
We can rejoice because the Lord is our shepherd and confess that the Lord who created us is God. To serve the Lord is not to be a slave, but to obey the Lord they way a sheep obeys its shepherd, and to respond to Him while being nourished by Him. We can give thanks and praise the Lord because we know the Lord is God and that He loves us more than anybody could.
The Lord is good
In Psalm 100:4, the writer calls us to enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. And in verse 5 were the words that everyone who gathered sing together.
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise
his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all
generations.” – Psalm 100:4-5
In this verse, you can imagine the scene where all sorts of people are gathered at the place of worship, and that worship is one that is filled with joy. Because the Lord is with them in the place of worship and gives them words of life. We, along with everyone else, are invited to a worship to God that is filled with joy.
It is said here that the Lord is good. The word “good” was translated from the Hebrew word (טוֹב,tov), which is read “tov”, which means good. When we talk about good people, there are some images that comes to mind. However, the Lord is better than anything you have ever imagined. When we meet the Lord, we will understand how good He was to us.
Through various experiences, the people of Israel have professed what the Lord God is like. Freed from slavery, provided with abundant land, not being abandoned despite turning their heart away from God, disciplined severely at times, encouraged when in times of fear, presented with light of hope when in the face of despair. In the course of hundreds, thousands of years, the Israelites learned that the Lord was good.
We will probably know how good the Lord has been to us when we meet Him. And it is by knowing that that we do not stop worshiping the Lord, giving Him praise and songs of joy.
Moving forward with Joy
The world is now at a major turning point and I feel that the pace of this change is accelerating due to the impact of this corona. But the fact that the Lord is God, that He is our shepherd, and that He is good remains unchanged.
We, on the other hand, have changed. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, we gave up worshipping at churches and started online worshipping with the help of internet. It doesn’t mean that we will not go to church anymore. However, it seems unlikely that we will return to how we were before the infection after the infection is over. In the midst of various happenings, the way we offer our worship and how we enter the church may change, and some changes might be inevitable.
Sudden changes can lead to anxiety and confusion. However, change leads to new possibilities that are not necessarily negative as well. The important point is what we want to retain, and what we want to change. What kind of worship do we want to offer and what type of church would we want to be? It is important that we listen to the call of the Lord and respond to that invitation by making a choice.
In this year, let us move forward with the theme of “serving the Lord with joyfulness”. Let us ponder and search for how we want our church to be while keeping in mind that the Lord God is inviting everyone to participate in this worship that is filled with joy and that He is calling everyone to know that the Lord is God.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama