May 3rd,2020 Sunday Service
"To be a person that brings blessings to the world"
Scripture reading taken from Genesis 3:1~19
2 emergency situations
It has been 4 weeks since we stopped gathering at Church and instead worshipped God at our own place. We are living our lives under various influences and trying to constrain ourselves to our homes. Under the current circumstances, our mind is full of everything related to corona virus that it may reach a point where corona is all we could focus on, giving all the more reason to stop and quiet ourselves before God to offer praise and worship God with thanksgiving in our heart.
Along with the spreading of the infection, our body, mind and finance are receiving the effects of the virus. The environment is also indirectly affected by this virus. Due to the restraint movement as well as the low economic activity all around the world, the air is becoming cleaner. One example is that the pollution content in the air has decreased by about 35%. Another is that we are having days clear skies in succession and being able to see mountains that have not been visible for few ten years.
There are also changes in places that are not visible to our eyes. The main reason for global warming, which is the release of Carbon Dioxide, has also seen a great decrease in this period. For example, the emission of CO2 in China during February is 25% less than that of January. I am sure that similar happenings should occur all around the world as this corona virus is affecting the whole world.
There is no room for doubt that global warming is happening. Numerous scientists have declared such and we are also experiencing the effects of it. I heard that the snow in Kanazawa’s winter this year did not pile up. The place where I lived in, Sapporo, has also seen a huge decrease of snow this year. The change in climate is obviously happening.
Recently, global warming is called as “climate crisis”. It is a crisis that involves many of the living beings on earth including humans. According to a prediction, if climate change goes on, by 2030 to 2050, we will see an increase of 250 thousand more deaths than this year. It is 250 thousand more deaths than this year that is under the influence of corona virus. It has also been said that the increase in numbers might be worse that predicted.
Emergency declarations have been made in many countries as a counter to the new coronavirus. But this pandemic is not the only emergency that the world is facing, climate crisis is also another one such emergency.
Serving and protecting God’s creation
However, the world has not always been in a crisis. In fact, the world is actually made beautifully for humans. In Genesis, the world including earth is created by God. Nature along with everything living on it was created by God, and God deemed it good.
In Genesis chapter 2 ~ 3, the Garden of Eden was the main topic. “Eden” means Delight. God created a world of delight and for the living beings created by God, it was a world filled with delight.
Among all of God’s creation, humans were special. Humans had a special relationship with God and were entrusted with special work by God. Genesis 2:15 says, “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”.
The special work entrusted to humans was to work it and take care of it. The term “work it” means to tend to it, to cultivate it, to work for it. The earth means both the ground we stand on and the whole world. In conclusion, God entrusted the job of serving and protecting the world and the beings that lives in it to humans.
When speaking of special existence, we may often relate it to having power and ruling over others. However, God did not want humans to reign over other creatures. It is not good to abuse nature or other beings for the benefit of humans. Humans were created to serve this world and protect the creatures living in it, to serve God by keeping the world good.
In another meaning, humans are not being that stand above nature. Rather, standing among nature, serving and defending all living being.
The command to protect lives
Along with the special work, God gave 2 more important commands to humans. Genesis 2:16-17, “And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.””
Humans were allowed to live as they will. They were not forced to obey the commands. God wanted them to think for themselves and take action. The important thing here is that taking and eating it is allowed. In other words, it is okay to do what is necessary in order to preserve lives. It is not okay to do it for the sake of ones benefit or to abuse and destroy it.
The other command was to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is no concrete description of what the tree of knowledge of good and evil. What may be shown here is that humans have boundaries that must not be exceeded. With the development of civilization. The things that humans can do have increased and will increase even more from now on as well. However, not all of them are considered good. To protect lives, there are certain things we must not do.
In order for humans to maintain a proper relationship with God, it is necessary to do 3 things that God has commanded: to protect other creatures, the freedom do what we need to preserve life, and to not cross the boundaries given to us. These are necessary to protect our lives in the world created by God.
Life lost due to disobedience
Humans disobeyed God’s commands. It was not only Adam and Eve that disobeyed God, mankind has repeatedly turned against God in its history.
Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and learned that they were naked, subsequently hiding themselves from God. Their relationship with God was broken. When they were questioned by God, the man blames the woman, and the woman blames the snake. Until then, those two were good partners supporting each other, but their relationship was broken as well. The two who hid themselves from God have lost their freedom to live as well as their work of protecting the garden.
The serpent tempted the them saying, “when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” The serpent did that to stop humans from living in the protection of God. The humans may have had a desire to become a ruler rather than obey God’s commands.
God warned them that if they eat that fruit, they will certainly die. But the snake said they would not die even if they ate that fruit. The result of dying from eating the fruit did not come to pass. But their relationship with God, relationship with fellow humans, and the relationship with nature were all destroyed resulting in the lives of humans being threatened.
However, this does not just stop at being just humans’ problem. Human were created as a special existence. The misdeeds caused by human affects not only humans, but all creation of God. God said to Adam who disobeyed God, “Cursed is the ground because of you.” It was not humans that was cursed, but the ground. If we no longer have a proper relationship with God, this world will lose its life.
A world filled with life and blessings
The story does not end with judgement. Even with what we and our ancestors have done, God does not abandon us. Humans who disobeyed the commandments to protect the Garden of Eden were exiled from it. Human have no choice but to live miserably in a world created by God that have lost its “goodness”. However, God did not take their lives as punishment, but rather continue to care for them to continue living.
God is the creator of this world. God is not just the creator in the past, but is still the present creator, and He is working to right this broken world. God repeatedly calls back humans to Him even if they turned against God.
The human society now is rapidly destroying this world. In a sense, human work is far more of a threat to humans than the coronavirus. Mankind is disobeying God and seeking power to rule the world by themselves. As a result, they are destroying the world God has prepare for them and threatening all the living beings on it.
God did not give up on Adam and Eve, he will also never give up on us. Just as the Lord of the Garden of Eden was God, it is God, not us humans, who governs this world. Humans make mistakes and forget their responsibilities, but God will continue to guide us to the right path. God is trying to help us regain a world where we and other creatures can nurture life in abundance.
This is where God’s passion lies. The passion of God who persists in his creation, to never give up on them and tries to save them. Even now, it is God’s passion that is trying to save us and the world.
There are various prediction about the world after the corona pandemic. We want to create that world with God. I want to be a person that does not rule over the world and cause destructions, but to be a person that strives for a world of blessings and life.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama