右の御手から永遠の喜びをいただきます。」 (詩編16:7~11)
April 19th,2020 Sunday Service
"What should we prioritize"
Scripture reading taken from Mark 2:23-38
Pray for one another even if we cannot meet
Last week was a hectic week as well. On 13th April, emergency declaration was declared in Ishikawa Prefecture, and on 16th, the whole of Japan was declared emergency. It is an unprecedented situation, but there are countries such as Taiwan that have succeeded in putting a stop to the spread of the virus. We have been shown hope that this is not an endless battle.
Even with what is happening, being unable to serve together in church on Sunday is something griefs us. I was in Sapporo until March, and due to Hokkaido being ahead in the spreading of the virus, all church services were halted in mid-March.
Psalm 133:1 says, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”. In this time where we cannot gather, we can truly feel the truth of this verse. Seating together with our beloved brothers and sisters, seeing each other’s faces while exchanging words and praising the Lord together as well as praying for each other, what a wonderful blessing from God. There may be some people living in someplace far, or those who are feeling unwell, but let us pray that the day we can gather again in Church come soon.
Though we cannot meet face to face, let us keep in contact with one another and pray for one another. I will be in church most of the time, so please feel free to call me anytime. As for those who can keep in contact with others, I urge to continue doing so. In these times, let us continue remembering about Jesus, pray for others and receive encouragement from God.
The Sabbath day
Today I would like everyone to ponder upon the Sabbath day. If you look it up the dictionary, Sabbath means to rest without worry or grief. Now, a lot of operations are halted, and we are being confined to our own houses, but I don’t think this qualifies as Sabbath. On the other hand, there are those who are instead busier due to house chores and child nursing. The way we live our Sundays have been changed drastically. Now, let us ponder on what does the Lord means when He created the Sabbath Day.
A week is defined as 7 days in every calendar. This practice is started by the Bible. To have 7 days a week and one of them being a Sabbath day.
This does not mean that in a cycle of 7 days, we have a rest day, nor does it mean we must rest a day every 6 days. Most work life has a 2-days rest day a week and some have 3-days rest days a week, that is why it is not having a rest day every 6 days. And the difference in the numbers of rest days in a week is not a problem.
The important thing is to have rest at regular intervals. God has declared there be a Sabbath day. In other words, humans need to rest, and that God has given to us this Sabbath day in response to our needs.
The Sabbath day that helps us protects our life
The Sabbath day held great importance ever since the kingdom of Israel. At that time, slavery was still legal, and slaves usually have to work non-stop without rest which usually result in them damaging their body or even losing their lives.
It was then Sabbath day was created and everyone including the slaves have to observe the Sabbath day. This Sabbath day is not only targeted to certain groups but to all groups including slaves. Through this one can see that God is immeasurable. Everyone needs rest. In order to prevent cases where one has to work for a long period of time without resting and may lead to death, God provided a solution. God created the Sabbath day to protect and respect everyone’s life.
But as time passes, so does the meaning of Sabbath. Observing the Sabbath day is the Jews’ way of life, and those who does not observe the Sabbath are put to death.
In the era of Jesus, there was no such punishment for not observing the Sabbath, however there were detailed rules to observe the Sabbath. The things you can do and cannot do on the Sabbath day is made into a list. In other words, they strayed away from the original intention of Sabbath, making it a rule or a custom instead of understanding the meaning of Sabbath.
One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grain fields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. Going through a foreigner’s grain field and picking up heads of grain was not prosecuted at that time as it was part of the law so there wasn’t any problem about that. But picking up grain on Sabbath was forbidden.
Hence, when the Pharisees saw that the disciples were doing work that was forbidden on Sabbath, they criticized Jesus. It was according to the law at that time no doubt, but who knows whether the Pharisees were doing this for the right reasons or not. All we know is that what they are doing is not according to God’s will, nor is it for the sake of protecting human lives.
Jesus then used the example of David. This is to say that there are exceptions to the commandments. It means that obeying the commandments stated in the Bible and the laws created word for word is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to understand the will behind the creation of the commandments and laws.
Choosing what to prioritize is not just something related to the commandments. It is also related to the things we do usually in life like rules, habits, works, etc. Under all those things, there should be important reasons for why we do those things. And there are times where we forgot those important reasons and just continue doing what we do for the sake of just doing. Now under a new circumstance, what should we prioritize, what have we deemed important, it is a good time to revisit those questions.
The God who gives rest to the spirit
In Judaism, Saturday is the Sabbath day, but for the Church, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we make Sunday as the Lord’s day and observe it as Sabbath as well.
On the Sabbath, it is important to not only give rest our body and mind, but to also give rest to our spirit. No matter the circumstances, we need to give rest to our spirit. I think God wants us to rest, gives us comfort and prepares us to receive a new day. We need to rest not only our body and mind, but also our spirit.
Sunday service is both serving our God and resting at his feet. To read the Bible, listen to His words, offer our praises and pray. To quiet down ourselves before God or to speak with the Him. That is what God wants from us and at the same time what we need. In life there will be times where we forget to rest and our spirit will begin to starve, that’s when God will come personally to deliver rest to us.
Psalm 16:7-11
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
8 I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful[a] one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Even if we cannot gather at church, we can still look to God and listen to his words. God is at our side to support us. The rest given by God to us makes our spirits dance with joy. The thing that God is trying to teach us through Sabbath is the way of life. To always get back on our feet and walk into a new day.
In the present circumstances, various precaution is necessary. Things that you hoped to do and wanted to do may no longer be possible now. At the same, there are also cases where you cannot rest even if you want to. Necessary actions have increased, operations that have been carried out smoothly have drastically increased to an extent that there is no leeway. There may also be times when you cannot rest peacefully in such events.
In the midst of all those, the fact that we need “rest” have not changed. Are you not tired? Is it not tough? Everyone needs rest. God knows that everyone needs rest and tried to give to everyone through Sabbath.
Jesus said in Mark 2:27-28
27 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”
Things that we need to do, should do and must do are only secondary to the importance of our lives. Nothing exceeds the importance of lives. God cherished our lives above all, so we should do the same. That is why we properly observe the Sabbath. To rest our body, mind and spirit. There is nothing so important that we should push back resting. To rest is what God instructed us to do.
Pastor Nozomu Sugiyama